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Q: Are there disadvantages to government involvement in events that take place around the world?
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What series of events in the 1970s caused people to become more skeptical about politics and less trusting of government?

The continued involvement in the Viatnam war and the Watergate scandal ending in the resignation of President Nixon.

What series of events in the 1970s cause people to becom more skeptical about politics and less trusting of government?

The continued involvement in the Viatnam war and the Watergate scandal ending in the resignation of President Nixon.

What is the Laissez - Faire?

It means a lack of involvement on the part of the government to see how the events or problem turns out.economic environment in which transactions between private parties are free from tariffs, government subsidies, and enforced monopolies, with only enough government regulations sufficient to protect property rights against theft and aggression.

What is the laissez -faire policy?

It means a lack of involvement on the part of the government to see how the events or problem turns out.economic environment in which transactions between private parties are free from tariffs, government subsidies, and enforced monopolies, with only enough government regulations sufficient to protect property rights against theft and aggression.

What is the laissez-fair policy?

It means a lack of involvement on the part of the government to see how the events or problem turns out.economic environment in which transactions between private parties are free from tariffs, government subsidies, and enforced monopolies, with only enough government regulations sufficient to protect property rights against theft and aggression.

What events brought an end to American involvement in world war 2?

just decided they wanted out

What current events show people as targets of oppression by their government?

The current events in Palestine show people as targets of oppression by their government. The current events in Iraq also show the oppression of people by their government.

Negative and positive effects of global event?

are the advantages and disadvantages of worlds events

What ancient principlestraditionsand events have shaped the system of government we have today?

What ancient principles, traditions, and events have shaped the system of government we have today?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the events?

advantages..economic growth..employment opportunities..local and national pride.. disadvantages..environmental pollution..a big target of terrorists..

What is the closest opposite of deep concern for current events?

Apathy or indifference towards current events would be the closest opposite of deep concern. This implies a lack of interest or involvement in what is happening in the world.