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That's a risk with all fertility drugs. You might consider invitro or another method which may cost less than the expensive rugs. Talk to your OB about your concerns/alternatives.

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Q: Are there drugs to make you ovulate that don't cause multiple birth pregnancy?
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Does a girl have to nut to release eggs and get pregnant?

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It can cause birth defects and is not used for abortion.

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yes, it can. That's why doctors advice you to not drink while pregnant. But to be specific it can cause complications during the pregnancy stage and or while giving birth.

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Paracetamol does not prevent pregnancy, and it does not affect how well birth control works.

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No. It will not terminate the pregnancy. It could however cause birth defects in the fetus and cause you more problems. If you wish to terminate a pregnancy, do it the most responsible way with a doctor's help and an abortion. Otherwise, simply have the child.

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Just stop using it, but this may cause pregnancy.

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No, but it can cause the baby to have heatlh problems. A high dose of birth control is offered as "the morning after pill." It's used to stop ovulation to prevent fertilization.

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No, and taking Paxil during pregnancy can lead to birth defects and even death.

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The following will cause early bleeding: * Irregular period * Pregnancy * UTI * Hormonal Imbalance * Stopping birth control * Starting birth control