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There are people under the influence of evil, who have chosen to follow that influence.

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Q: Are there evil people in the world?
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Who do you blame for evil in the world and why?

People who lie because liars are the base of all evil.

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Are there any evil people in the world?

Since morality is subjective, evil and good are only personal opinions. For example, you probably consider murder to be evil, but a serial killer thinks murder is good. An evil person is someone who has a different set of morals than you. To answer your question there are evil people in the world. However, it is your opinion that determines who is evil.

What is the meaning of the world is too dangerous to live in- not because of the people who do evil but because of the people who sit and let it happen?

It means that there is always going to be evil in the world, but because of those people that watch it happen and don't do anything about it, is why the world is such a dangerous place.

Does god want the world to rvolve around evil and corruption?

No, most religious beliefs suggest that God desires goodness and righteousness in the world. Evil and corruption are seen as a result of human choices and actions, not as something desired by God.

Why are people evil?

Not all people are evil. However, a good bit of people are misunderstood and/or mistreated, and a lot of times that results in one becoming "evil". There are also a lot of selfish people that don't care about anyone except themselves, therefore being evil by not considering anyone else and hurting many others. But not all people are evil. It may seem sometimes by watching the news and reading news articles and with all the shootings and other awful things that happen one may assume that the world is evil as are the people living in the world. However that is not true. While there are many evil people there are many good people too.

Why do they kill polar bears?

Because there are evil, nasty people in the world

Why do you have killers in the world?

Because some people have evil minds and intentions

Why are some people evil while others are nice?

Because evil people want to rule the world and make other people bow down to them but nice people want to make the world peaceful and make it a better UN POLLUTED place to live.

Why do Hindus think there is evil in the world?

not only Hindus but all religion people think there is evil. they all follow one thing Where there is good there is bad also same way if you believe there is god in this world than there is evil too.

What effect did World War 2 have on population?

the effect was that people knew there could be people as evil as Hitler in the world and they must kill who ever is like that

What is the meaning of god exists where he is allowed to enter?

God only is there where he is most needed not in a world were people start the evil within it that happens in the world. Humans are the reason why god will not enter our world that has been forsaken by are evil deeds.