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Q: Are there fear street movies
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Do they make fear street movies?


What is the fear of jump scares?

There isn't a scientific term for fear of scary movies so fear of scary movies is just called, fear of scary movies

When was Fear Street created?

Fear Street was created in 1989.

What phobia is the fear of movies?

There does not appear to be a scientific name to describe the fear of movies.

Is Fear street a real street?

I don't personally know of a street called fear street, but I'm not saying it doesn't exist, I wouldn't be surprised if there is a fear street somewhere in the world.

How many RL Stine movies are there?

There are over 30 movies based on R.L. Stine's books, including the "Goosebumps" movie series and adaptations of other popular works such as "The Haunting Hour" and "Fear Street."

Who wrote the fear street series?

Fear Street series was written by the and only R.L Stine.

Is there a FEAR movie?

There are quite a few movies titled 'Fear'.

Which original fear street book is the best?

In my opinion the face and the step-sister are the best. Fear street is awesome!!

What are some famous movies about Wall Street?

Some famous movies about Wall Street are Rogue Trader and Trading Places. Other Wall Street movies include Wall Street, Boiler Room, and Glengarry Glen Ross.

What fear street books were not published?

The raven women carausel of fear

Is there a name for a fear of horror movies?

No, not yet.