

Are there force acting on the pen?

Updated: 11/22/2022
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7y ago

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If yes, draw the forces. You may use arrows to represent these forces.

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Brielle Cruickshank

Lvl 10
1y ago
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9y ago

Yes. There are always forces acting on any item of matter. Gravity for instance.

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Are the force acting on the pen?

Yes there are forces acting on a pen.

Are acting on the pen?

The Forces acting on the pen are first the downward force called gravitational force and the upward force is the tension force.

Are there force acting in the pen?

There are forces acting everywhere. The universe is full of them.

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When a pen is hanging, two forces act on it - the upthrust and the force of tension in the string.

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Yes, there are forces acting on both the pen and the book. When the pen is placed on the book, the force of gravity is acting on both objects, pulling them downwards. Additionally, there may be contact forces between the pen and the book depending on how they are positioned.

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Gravity is a force acting down on it. A normal force is acting perpendicular to the ground at the base of the structure.

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Gravity is a force acting down on it. A normal force is acting perpendicular to the ground at the base of the structure.

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If balanced forces are acting on an object, the object will remain at rest or continue moving at a constant velocity. Even though there is no acceleration, it might still appear as if a net force is acting on the object due to external factors such as friction or air resistance.

What is an overall force acting on an object?

The overall force on an object is the net force, which results from the combination of all individual forces acting on the object. It determines the object's acceleration according to Newton's second law, F = ma, where F is the net force, m is the object's mass, and a is its acceleration.

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The downward force acting on an object in free fall is the force of gravity. This force is always directed towards the center of the Earth and causes acceleration of the object towards the ground.