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Yes, if, e.g., the court determines that the father has reduced his income for the purpose of avoiding support or the reduction is not "substantial" or "significant."

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Q: Are there instances when the court does not reduce support even though the father's income has been reduced?
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How can you get child support reduced?

... is possible on a showing that the obligor's income has changed substantially.

Do you pay child support on unemployment in Washington state?

In general, child support is a percentage of net income. In Illinois, for example, it's 20% of net income for one child, 25% for two, etc. Income is almost anything, including overtime, unemployment benefits and workers compensation, but not welfare payments or SSI.

Does my current spouse income affect the amount of child support I will receive from my child's father?

your or your current husband income (probably) wont affect the child support.the child's fathers income will though.

When both parents have equal custody who pays for child support?

The one with the high income alhough this more often applies to fathers since they usually have the higher income.

Is the income of a spouse included when determining the amount the biological parent pays for child support?

nope, only takes the mother and fathers income into account. Spouses of the parents are not included

Does receiving child support mean you're the custodial parent?

No, sole custody fathers can also be ordered to pay child support if their income is significantly higher. This is common in California.

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How is child support calculated with child shares time with both parents equally?

Generally based on the difference in income, but is usually applied only to fathers.

Can dad change custody order to an equal shared parental responsibility and pay no child support?

The child support amount would depend on the difference in income. Even sole custody fathers are ordered to pay child support.

What happens when custodial parent lies about income retaining to child support?

Contact your local Department of Human Services immediately and let them know about the situation. You may be able to have child support reduced.

What is the effect of taxes on your income and purchases?

Income reduced & Purchase value Increased.

How did president Ronald reagans supply side economics work?

Taxes are reduced, so people have increased income to spend.