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Yes unfortunately there are lots of Jellyfish right now in the sea. I am professional diver and they hurt me too much 1 week ago.

Head is very small but the arms are nearly 1.5 - 2 mts. long.

They are really dangerous.

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Q: Are there jellyfish in Qatar that are harmful and is there a jellyfish season?
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Are comb jellyfish harmful?

possibly, but i know Moon jellyfish and Up side down jellyfish are legal to have

When is jellyfish season in the Dominican Republic?

The mating season for a jellyfish is around mid-April.

Is a jellyfish harmful to a human being?

Very, they can sting you.

When is the jellyfish season of the gulf coast of America?

Jellyfish season in the Gulf of Mexico is from early May through early August. In the Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida panhandle, jellyfish are typically at their peak in June and July.

Why box jellyfish are not harmful to turtles?

Box Jellyfish are not harmful to Turtles because turtles are not in jellyfishes main diet also turtle can't actually harm a turtle because of there hard shells. And their fast swimmers.

When is the rainy season for Qatar?

Starts in June and ends in October.

When is jellyfish season in Chesapeake Bay?

The Jellyfish season in Chesapeake Bay varies on the species. Some species are seen from May to October, and others are seen November to March.

Are jellyfish stings harmful?

Sting effects range from no effect to extreme pain to death.

How many seasons in Qatar?

Astronomically speaking, all areas have four season.

When is jellyfish malagua season in Acapulco?

It's usually during April

What are some harmful facts about jellyfish?

Jellyfishes are posiness but the sting can be very painfull. the box jellyfish are considered to be extremly lethal. The sting of jellyfish can result in anaphylaxis in humans and can cause death. Upon, receiving stings from the jellyfish, urgent and immediate medical help should be sought.

Is a jellyfish sting harmful to humans?

Yes, they're toxic. Occasionally someone dies from it.yes but they are usually not fatal