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Ferrofluid is a colloid of iron particles in water or oil. It flows like a liquid but sticks to magnets. Magnetorheological fluid is a liquid that will harden when in the presence of a magnetic field. There are also paramagnetic fluids which are attracted to magnets. Manganese(II) chloride or copper(II) sulfate dissolved in water, for example. A scientist in Japan made a very paramagnetic liquid [bmim]FeCl4 "by mixing 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim]Cl) and FeCl3". Any liquid that is conducting an electric current will be affected by magnetism as well, which is the basis of magnetohydrodynamics and the "caterpillar drive" of submarines.

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Pearline Blick

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1y ago
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15y ago

Ferrofluid is a colloid of iron particles in water or oil. It flows like a liquid but sticks to magnets. Magnetorheological fluid is a liquid that will harden when in the presence of a magnetic field. There are also paramagnetic fluids which are attracted to magnets. Manganese(II) chloride or copper(II) sulfate dissolved in water, for example. A scientist in Japan made a very paramagnetic liquid [bmim]FeCl4 "by mixing 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ([bmim]Cl) and FeCl3". Any liquid that is conducting an electric current will be affected by magnetism as well, which is the basis of magnetohydrodynamics and the "caterpillar drive" of submarines.

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