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Yes, there are lysosomes in animal cells. This is where cellular digestion of debris and waste occurs in the cell.

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Q: Are there lysosomes in animal cells?
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Related questions

Are lysosomes in plant or animal cells or both?

Lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells.

Are lysosomes both in animal and plant cells?

Yes, lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells

Do plant and animal Cells have lysosomes?

Yes, both plant and animal cells contain lysosomes within the cytoplasm.

Do animal cells have lysosomes?

yes only because plant cells do not have any lysosomes.

Are lysosome found in both animal and plant cells?

Lysosomes are found in both plant and animal cells.

Can lysosomes be considered as the difference between plant cells and animal cells?

yes, lysosomes are only contained within animal cells to hydrolyze macromolecules

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Do animal cells have lysosomes in them?


Are lysosomes found in animal cells?

yes they are found in animal cells, but not plant cells.

Are lysosomes found in animals plants or both?

Yes, they are found in both plant and animal cells.

Why do animal cells have lysosomes but plant cells don't?

Actually, plant cells can have lysosomes but they usually don't. Hydrolytic enzymes of plant cells are more often found in the vacuole. Animal cells usually have lysosomes as well, but sometimes they don't.

Are lysosomes found in animal and plant cells?

both animal and plant cells