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Q: Are there more daylight hours on summer days than on winter days?
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When are the daylight hours shortest?

In winter, you go south to get longer days. In summer, going north yields longer days.

Which season has the LEAST daylight hours?

Usually around December 21st in the Northern Hemisphere and June 21st in the Southern Hemisphere.

The first days of summer and winter called solstices?

winter has the shortest amount of daylight and summer has the greatest amount of daylight./

Why do you have short and long days?

The Earth's axis is on a tilt of 23.5 deg. This is what causes the days (daylight hours) to be longer in the summer and shorther in the winter.

What are the days with the shortest and longest periods of daylight called?

winter and summer solstice.

What two days a year have the longest nighttime hours or daytime hours in summer or winter?

Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice

Is it possible for summer time to you shorter then winter days?

This is not the clearest question I've ever seen, but if you mean "is it possible for daylight on a summer day to be a shorter length of time than daylight on a winter day", then no, it's not possible.

Why are the days in summer long and nights short while in winter days are short and nights are long?

Assuming you're in the United States, the longest day of the year is the first day of summer. The shortest day of the year is the first day of winter. Daylight hours get progressively shorter after the first day of summer until they reach their shortest, again this being the first day of winter. Therefore, the last day of autumn is the day before the day with the shortest number of daylight hours. So to answer your question, autumn does contain some days in December with the shortest number of daylight hours in the entire year. Hope that helps.

Do the days get shorter in Hawaii in the winter?

a little... Honolulu gets 10 hours and 50 minutes of daylight on the day of the winter solstice.

Why do daylight hours increase in the spring?

December 21st is the winter solstice after that the days get longer

How many daylight hours in South Africa?

That varies, depending on the latitude (Africa is not a point on the map, but a rather large continent), as well as the time of year (in summer, days are longer than in winter).

What is the hours of daylight in the winter?

In the winter season, time is turned back one hour because the days are shorter. The average length of a day is about 8 to 10 hours.