

Are there more lone wolves than wolves packs?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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The wolf is not known to be a solitary predator. They depends on the pack to hunt and protect them self. There for there are more wolf packs than lone wolf.

( For the strength of the Pack is the Wolf, and the strength of the Wolf is the Pack)

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Q: Are there more lone wolves than wolves packs?
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Are wolves always in packs?

As can be found in some dictionaries, according to a certain geometry book, a wolf pack is two wolves, or a wolf pack plus a wolf. This is confusing, but it means that a wolf pack can have any number greater than one of wolves. --- The main positions in a wolf pack are Alpha Male Beta Male Alpha Female Beta Female Then the rest are just a member of a pack

What collective nouns for wolves?

The collective nouns are a pack of wolves or a rout (or route) of wolves.

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How are dogs and wolves different?

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