

Are there oceans on Jupiter

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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No, Jupiter is a gas planet it has no solid surface

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Q: Are there oceans on Jupiter
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Which moon of Jupiter might contains oceans of water?

Europa is the moon of Jupiter that is known to contain oceans of water.

Does Jupiter have oceans on the planet?


How Many Oceans Does Jupiter Have?

17 17

Other than Earth what 2 bodies in solar system could harbor life?

Europa, a moon of Jupiter - could have oceans of salt water.Titan, a moon of Saturn - could have oceans of liquid ammonia or water.

What moon of Jupiter might have life?

The moon scientist think might have life is Europa. It has oceans 3 to 60 miles under ice.

What is Jupiter namesake?

the names of jupiter are as follows: jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter jupiter and last but not least JuPiTeR

What is the number of rotations on jupiter?

Jupiter is Jupiter is Jupiter is Jupiter is

What's the fifth planet from the sun?

Jupiter, of course!

Why is europa interesting to scientists?

There may be life under Europa's vast oceans. It is cold, but heat from the moon's core and Jupiter's magnetic field may make it habitable for organisms under the ice.

Do other planets have oceans?

Yes, some other planets in our solar system have oceans. For example, Jupiter's moon Europa is thought to have a subsurface ocean beneath its icy crust, and Saturn's moon Titan has large lakes and seas of liquid methane and ethane. Additionally, scientists believe that there may have been ancient oceans on Mars in the past.

Which planet is the fifth from sun?

Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun.Jupiter

What are Jupiter big satellites?

Jupiter's 4 major moons, known as the Galilean satellites, are named Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Io is an orange moon with an abundance of volcanic activity most likely caused by Jupiter's magnetic field. Europa is a cold, frozen ice moon and is also the smallest of the four. Ganymede is the largest and also is thought to have oceans. Callisto is the outermost moon (of the 4) and is covered with craters.