


Planet Jupiter

The 5th planet from the Sun and the biggest planet in our solar system.

3,582 Questions

Does your weight change if you travel to Jupiter?

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Your weight would change if you traveled to Jupiter due to its strong gravitational pull. Jupiter has a higher gravitational force than Earth, so you would weigh more on Jupiter compared to Earth.

Why cant a crescent Jupiter be seen?

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A crescent Jupiter cannot be seen from Earth because Jupiter always presents a full disk or nearly full disk due to its size and distance from the sun. Unlike the crescent phases seen in inner planets like Venus and Mercury as they orbit the sun, Jupiter's position relative to the sun and Earth means its illuminated side is always facing our viewpoint.

Does Jupiter have stronger gravity than Earth?

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Larger masses exert stronger gravitational forces, so gravity on Jupiter is much stronger than that of Earths.

Due to Jupiter's larger size (its the largest planet in our solar system) jupiter has more gravity. It has about 2.5 times the gravity of earth therefore the acceleration due to gravity is 26 m/s/s.

Which spacecraft set off for Jupiter in 1972?

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The spacecraft that set off for Jupiter in 1972 was Pioneer 10. It was launched on March 2, 1972, and became the first spacecraft to travel through the asteroid belt and to make a flyby of Jupiter.

How many mercury's can fit in the great red spot?

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The Great Red Spot on Jupiter is about 1.3 times the size of Earth, while Mercury is about 1/3 the size of Earth. So, roughly around 4 Mercurys could fit inside the Great Red Spot if they were aligned perfectly.

What is Jupiter nearest neighbor?

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Jupiter's nearest neighbor is the planet Saturn. Jupiter and Saturn are the two largest planets in our solar system and are relatively close to each other in terms of their positions in space.

How many sun in Jupiter?

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Jupiter does not have any suns. It is a planet that orbits the Sun in our solar system.

What planet is the grandfather of Jupiter?

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The grandfather of Jupiter is Saturn.

Does io have a surface?

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Yes. It has a solid silicate crust, with a liquid core and many volcanoes. The surface is dusted with sulphur and sulphur dioxide.

Why hasn't anyone been on Jupiter?

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No one has been on Jupiter because its extreme atmospheric conditions, including intense gravity, radiation, and extreme temperatures, make it impossible for humans to survive there. Additionally, the lack of a solid surface on Jupiter further complicates any exploration attempts.

What is the cause of volcanic activity on io?

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The volcanic activity on Io is caused by the intense gravitational forces exerted by Jupiter and its other moons. These forces create tidal heating inside Io, leading to intense volcanic activity and a constantly changing surface.

Can TREES make Jupiter a sustainable planet?

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No, trees cannot make Jupiter a sustainable planet. Jupiter is a gas giant with extreme temperatures and pressure, making it uninhabitable for life as we know it. Trees require a suitable atmosphere and conditions found on Earth to thrive and cannot survive in the harsh environment of Jupiter.

How many times did human visite Jupiter?

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As of 2021, humans have not visited Jupiter. All missions to Jupiter have been conducted by robotic spacecraft.

How does Jupiter swallow in planets?

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Jupiter doesn't "swallow" planets. Its massive size and strong gravitational pull can influence the paths of nearby objects, including asteroids and comets. However, it is extremely unlikely for Jupiter to directly "swallow" a planet due to the vast distances and complexities involved in planetary dynamics.

Does Saturn have a big red spot on it?

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No, Saturn does not have a big red spot like Jupiter. Jupiter's red spot is a massive storm that has been raging for centuries, while Saturn has different atmospheric features such as its hexagonal-shaped storm at its north pole.

What are some satellites or robots on Jupiter?

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Some examples of satellites or robots that have been sent to Jupiter include NASA's Juno spacecraft, which has been in orbit around Jupiter since 2016, and the Galileo spacecraft, which orbited Jupiter from 1995 to 2003. Additionally, the European Space Agency's JUICE (JUpiter ICy moons Explorer) mission is planned to launch in 2022 to study Jupiter and its moons.

Does it rain diamonds on Jupiter?

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Yes, it is believed that it rains diamonds on Jupiter. The extreme pressure and temperature conditions in Jupiter's atmosphere can cause carbon in the form of graphite to be crushed and transformed into diamond crystals as they fall towards the planet's core.

What is the large space between mars and Jupiter is called the?

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The large space between Mars and Jupiter is called the asteroid belt. It is a region in our solar system that contains numerous small rocky bodies known as asteroids. The asteroid belt is located roughly 2.2 to 3.2 astronomical units (AU) from the Sun.

Is Jupiter all gas or half gas and half solid?

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Jupiter is composed mostly of gas, primarily hydrogen and helium, with no solid surface. However, towards its core, the pressure and temperature are so high that it is thought to have a small solid core, possibly composed of heavy elements.

How many moons does Jupiter have as of 2012?

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Jupiter has 79 known moons as of 2012.

Did a robot or satellite on Jupiter?

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There have been no man made robots or landers to land on Pluto yet. A probe called New Horizons is on it's way, it should finally get to Pluto in 2015, but won't land. It will fly by and take pictures.

What are three of the names of the robot explored Jupiter and what year?

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  1. Juno: Launched in 2011, Juno reached Jupiter's orbit in 2016 and continues to study the planet's atmosphere and magnetic field.
  2. Galileo: Launched in 1989, Galileo arrived at Jupiter in 1995, providing valuable insights into the planet's moons and magnetosphere.
  3. Voyager 1: Launched in 1977, Voyager 1 flew by Jupiter in 1979, capturing images and data of the planet and its moons before continuing its journey out of the Solar System.

How do you play spot it?

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To play Spot It, each player receives a card with various symbols. Players must quickly identify which symbol on their card matches with the symbol on the center card. The player who identifies the matching symbol first wins the round. The game continues until all cards have been matched.

Does Jupiter weigh?

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Jupiter has mass, not weight, as weight is the force of gravity acting on an object. Jupiter's mass is over 300 times that of Earth's, making it the most massive planet in our solar system.

How long would it take to get to Jupiter if you were going 100 mph?

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Time = distance divided by speed. We know the speed (100km/h) but how about the distance?

"The distance between the planets Earth and Saturn varies. At its closest, Earth is about 796 million miles (1,280,000,000 km) away from Saturn. At its furthest, our planet is about 980 million miles (1,576,000,000 km) away from the ringed planet." (Read more: How_far_is_Saturn_from_Earth)

When Saturn is close to Earth:

t = 1280000000/100 = 12800000 hours = 533333.33 days = 1461.2 years

When Saturn is far from Earth:

t = 1576000000/100 = 15760000 hours = 656666.66 days = 1799.1 years

However, in reality the situation is far more complicated due to the differences in time it takes the planets to orbit the sun.