

Moons and Natural Satellites

Natural Satellites, also know as moons, are natural celestial bodies revolving around a bigger object like a planet or a dwarf planet. Some famous natural satellites are our Moon (Luna), Ganymede, Europa and Titan.

500 Questions

Does the full moon drive people crazy?

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Asked by Veludo

Lunatic means "of the moon." The word lunatic actually means moon struck. Police forces all over the country man more police officers during a full moon. The craziness may not be permanent. Think how the moon affects the tides then consider you're about 80% water.

Why do the sun's gravity didn't pull the earth?

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This question does not make sense. The sun's gravitational pull has an enormous effect on the earth. The earth is 5,973,600,000,000,000,000,000,000 kg and is travelling 107,279 km/h, and the sun's gravitational pull causes it to continually change direction instead of heading off into space in a straight line.

What is it called when a moon's orbit is backwards?

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When a moon's orbit is backwards, it is referred to as a retrograde orbit.

What is the pull of gravity on the moon as compared to earth?

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The mass of a 20 kg object is the same anywhere in the universe. That's its mass. Changing the gravity in which the mass is placed won't change the mass itself.

If you are interested in the weight, the 20 kg weight of the object on earth will show up as a 3.3 kg weight on the moon. (Kilogram can be used to measure both mass and weight)

edit 1: 'Mass' and 'weight' are different. Weight (w) is equal to the mass (m) of an object multiplied by the gravitational pull (g) exerted on that object; ie: w=mg

Mass looks at how 'heavy' something is without taking gravity into consideration

What is the point in the moon elliptical orbit where it is farthest from the earth?

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That point is called apogee and it rotates round the orbital plane every 19 years.

Why is the moon cold?

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The moon is both cold and hot. In places where the sun shines on the surface , it can get to over 220 degrees. On the dark side of the moon or in the places that are in shadows, it can get to - 220 degrees or colder! The moon's lack of atmosphere is what causes these great variations in temperature. Without air, the heat from the sun does not get distributed and averaged out like on Earth.

What is earth satellite's name?

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The moon ! (unless you want to talk about all the man-made satellites)

Where would you usually find a satellite?

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You would usually find a satellite up in space, and at places like ESA, JEXA, and NASA

Note that the term "satellite" does not just refer to artificial satellites. The moon is a satellite because it orbits the Earth. Any of the moons of the various planets are satellites of those planets. The Earth (and the other planets) are all satellites of the Sun.

A satellite is any body which is attached to another body via gravitational pull.

What happend in the last series of sailor moon?

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SPOILER ALERT. In the first few episodes of the final season of Sailormoon, Queen Nehelenia, who the sailor senshi thought was sealed away, is released and tries to take her revenge on Sailormoon for imprisoning her by kidnapping Mamoru (Darien). It is during this fight with Nehelenia that Super Sailormoon receives her new transformation into Eternal Sailormoon. Sailormoon returns Nehelenia to her normal state as the child queen of the Black Moon and all seems well. In the next episode Mamoru leaves for America to do research at a university there. He does not show up again until the final episode, except to show that he did not arrive at the university because he was killed by Galaxia, the main villain, before the plane even landed. As Usagi (Serena) is saying bye to Mamoru, we meet the Three Lights, as popular singing group comprised of three high school boys: Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten. These three enroll in school with the inner senshi and end up being the female Sailor Starlights (Sailor Star Fighter, Sailor Star Maker, and Sailor Star Healer) that come to aid the inner senshi throughout the season. Seiya, Sailor Star Fighter, falls in love with Usagi. The main villain, Galaxia, is after all the true star seeds (little crystals that only sailor senshi have) in the galaxy so that she can rule the entire galaxy. In accomplishing this goal, she uses the senshi from other star systems whose star seeds she has already captured to go out and check for star seeds on earth. The minor villains underneath Galaxia are named Sailor Iron Mouse, Sailor Aluminum Siren, Sailor Lead Crow, and Sailor Tin Nyanko. Both the inner senshi and the outer senshi show up fairly often through out the duration of the season, but not as much as the Sailor Starlights. The Sailor Starlights and the outer senshi do not get along. Chibi Chibi, a mysterious little girl, also shows up in the last half of the season, along with the Starlight's princess, Princess Kakyuu, who dies during her second episode. **MAJOR SPOILERS.** In the many-episode-long final battle, all of the senshi end up confronting Galaxia at her throne in different groups. All of the inner senshi have their star seeds taken and die as Saiormoon watches, while Sailor Pluto and Sailor Saturn have their star seeds taken by a Neptune and Uranus that have decided to join Galaxia's side. Neptune and Uranus beat Sailormoon and the starlights up a bit before turning on Galaxia and trying to steal her star seed, only to find out that she doesn't have one. Neptune and Uranus die, and eventually the situation gets so desperate that the light of hope (Galaxia's star seed that she sent out into the galaxy before she was evil and that would allow her to be overcome in the case of her turning evil) is awakened in Chibi Chibi and she turns into a sword, which Sailormoon is supposed to use to kill Galaxia, but Galaxia cuts the sword in half because of Sailormoon's hesitation, so in the final episode, Sailormoon uses the Ginzuishou (Silver Crystal) to purge Galaxia of the evil that has taken her over. Galaxia is then charged with returning all of the star seeds she collected to their former homes. All of the senshi, as well as Mamoru, then come back to life and comfort Usagi after the final battle. The Starlights leave for their own planet with their princess, and the final episode ends with Usagi and Mamoru kissing in the moonlight, with peace achieved at last.

Is yin the moon and yang the sun?

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Ying Yang is a very thoughtless Americanization of Yin Yang. But I am sure the unwary soul who uses this pronunciation has not studied the Lao Tze or Chuang Tze or the I Ching or other such Taoist works which discuss this concept, or else they would have repeatedly bumped into the lack of the non-existent 'g'.

How much of the moon surface has been mapped?

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By the best figures, only 2-3 percent of the ocean floor has been properly mapped, at least in regards to the public domain. Certain militaries may be able to claim as high as 10 percent, but those figures are guarded nearly as closely as the other information contained in their files.

Why hard to walk on the moon than in the Earth?

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On Earth, there is more gravity than on the moon. There is no air resistance on the moon.

What is the best classification for a natural satellite?

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Mainly classification of Satellite is as under


2:Orbit Shape

3:Orbit rotation

4:Orbit Inclination

5:Orbit Height


What is the number of natural satellites Mars has?

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Two natural satellites. Phobos and Deimos.

There is as well three manmade satellites: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, 2001: Mars Odyssey and Mars Express.

Why do some planets not have moons?

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There are two planets in our solar system that do not have moons: Mercury and Venus. They are the two planets closest to the sun and they are both terrestrial planets like Earth and Mars. Their proximity to the sun may be part of the answer; the sun's gravity may disrupt the orbits of would-be moons. This could especially be true of Mercury, which is the innermost and least massive of the planets. It is also possible that the planets simply never experienced events that would result in a moon with a stable orbit. Venus has the slowest rotation of all the planets and actually rotates "backwards." This slow retrograde rotation would tend to drag any orbiting moon in through tidal interactions, so it is possible than Venus once had a moon or moons that crashed int the planet long ago.

We do not know how many planets outside the solar system have moons.

What is the source of Io's volcanic activity?

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With over 400 active volcanoes, Io is the most geologically active object in the Solar System. This extreme geologic activity is the result of tidal heating from friction generated within Io's interior by Jupiter's varying pull.

What are saturns four largest moons called?

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Uranus' five largest moons are Titania, Oberon, Umbriel, Ariel, and Miranda. These were the first 5 moons seen from Earth : the two largest in 1787, the following two in 1851, and Miranda in 1948.

*Ariel is slightly smaller than Umbriel, but is estimated to have greater mass.

Why is the moon not seen on new moon day?

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Because the moon is between the sun and the earth. During a new moon, you see the shadow of the moon, usually against a daytime sky, which makes the moon virtually invisible without a telescope.

What are the names of Saturn's moons?

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mimas is one of them and tethys is another.

you mean Saturn has 30 moons, 12 of which are unnamed. the ones that are named are Pan, Atlas, Prometheus, Pandora, Epimetheus, Jana, Mimas, Enceladus, Tethys, Telesto, Calypso, Dione, Helene, Rhia, Titan, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Pheobe.

How many moons does Uranus and Neptune have?

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Uranus has 27 moons and Neptune has 13 moons

Who is Neil Armstrong's wife?

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Armstrong's first wife of 38 years, Janet, divorced him in 1994. He met his second wife, Carol Held Knight, in 1992 at a golf tournament. Seated together at the breakfast, she said little to Armstrong, but a couple of weeks later, she received a call from him asking what she was doing. She replied she was cutting down a cherry tree, and 35 minutes later Armstrong was at her house to help out. They were married on June 12, 1994

What is a moon buggy?

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It allowed the astronauts a greater speed and range of movemet and enabled them to carry more gear. In addition it was an experiment to see if they could build a vehicle that would operate in null atmosphere.

What did Apollo 11 astronauts leave on the moon?

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Apollo 11 decided to take a voyage to the moon because they wanted to be the first group on Earth to take men to and from the moon safely, as they thought it would make a huge jump in the National Spaceunits timeline and history. And it did.

Other reasons from the community:

  1. To "catch up" with the Russians. Russians had launched Sputnik, the first satellite - a radio transmitter-relay station. Yuri (gar gaerrin) sp? was the first man in space.
  2. To distract from political problems - issues at home in the U.S. (Civil Rights, Race Riots, Watts burning, War protest, Kent State, etc.)
  3. To develop weapons and threaten other nations in response to perceived threats to the U.S. (Cuban Missile crisis). The US also was testing nuclear bombs in Nevada as the war raged in southeast Asia and Russians put missiles in Cuba. The Apollo 11mission did prove that OUR missiles WILL deliver their payloads.
  4. To further science, to learn about the universe. The above reasons explain why we have NOT gone back to the moon. The existing NASA missions put communication satellites in orbit, and no focuses on developing "critical" technology.

What is the temperature on the moon in daylight?

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The moon has no atmosphere (well, not enough to matter) and so it experiences extreme temperature changes since there's no atmosphere to smooth things out. Noontime temperatures on the moon can reach as high as 123 degrees Celsius; at night it can drop as low as -233 degrees Celsius (in the south polar basin, which is permanently in the shade).