

Are there only 2 causes to amyotrohic lateral scoliosis?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Are there only 2 causes to amyotrohic lateral scoliosis?
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Can you have scoliosis in an arm?

no it is only lateral curvature of the spine

what causes scoliosis in children?

The causes of scoliosis are unknown, not only in children but in everyone in general however ive got a great resource site for you for all the information about childrens scoliosis maybe it will answer the rest of the questions you have.

What is mild thoracic scoliosis?

Well, scoliosis is a curvature of the spine. The cervicothoracic part deals with the location of the curve. The cervical region is the neck, and the thoracic is the upper back. So the cervicothoracic scoliosis would be a curvature of the spine in the neck/upper back

What is the medical term meaning abnormal condition of a hump in the spine?

There are a number of possible answers, including kyphosis, scoliosis, flattening of the lordosisScoliosisScoliosisScoliosis.Scoliosisscoliosis

Can scoliosis skip a generation?

Certain types of scoliosis have genetic factors, some have no genetic input, and some are only from genetics. For example, adolescent idiopathic scoliosis, which makes up about 80 percent of all cases of scoliosis, is generally from a combination of both environmental factors (i.e. posture) and genetic predisposition.

Does scoliosis affect a specific age group?

scoliosis affects 10% of adoelscants but only 1% need medical attention.

Does Scoliosis go away?

I was diagnosed with scoliosis when I was 11 and went to the doctor every 6 months. When I was 13 I was told that the curve was only 8. If the curve is 10 degrees and under then you are OK and your scoliosis has basically gone away. So to answer your question scoliosis does go away.

How does scoliosis affect parts of your body?

With scoliosis, you're usually only limited if it causes back pain. If you suffer from back pain because of scoliosis, you might not be able to sit, stand, or bend over for long periods of time. Other physical activity may also be difficult. Unless the scoliosis is severe, it shouldn't affect the things you do that much, and in very mild cases, it shouldn't affect the things you do at all.

Is it critical to have scoliosis at the spine?

Scoliosis is a spinal condition, meaning it only occurs in the spine. There are other questions asking the same thing. Look them up.

What cause Scoliosis?

For the purpose of the discussion, I'll restrict the answer to Idiopathic Scoliosis as there are many types of scoliosis and the question did not specify which one. Idiopathic scoliosis, although named due to unknown causes, is now known to be genetic in origin. However, only one of the genes responsible for the condition has been identified to date and there may be environmental trigger mechanism which hasn't been identified. Generally, prevalent theory is that genetic prevalence makes one susceptible to the condition. Initially, hormonal imbalance is present and causes abnormal growth of the spine. One of the 5 growth centers of the spine will lag in growth rate and cause initial tilt. The tilting can cause additional loading on the lagging side inhibiting normal growth further. During growth spurt phase, while other growth centers are growing at a normal rate, inhibited growth center further lags causing more severe wedging of the vertebral bone.

What are all the types of scoliosis?

Scoliosis curves are measured and expressed by degree. The higher the degree the more the scoliosis is said to be "severe".The normal thoracolumbar spine is relatively straight in the sagittal plane and has a double curve in the coronal plane. The thoracic spine in convex posteriorly (kyphosis) and the lumbar spine is convex anteriorly (lordosis). Normally there should be no lateral curvature of the spine.Double Major Curve: is difficult to identify as it causes only minor visual distortion. A double major curve is made up of two curves with nearly equal angles.Double Thoracic Curve: For type 2 DT curves, the general rule is to fuse both the PT and MT regions posteriorly. The upper end vertebra of fusion is usually either T2 (left shoulder high before surgery) or T3 (shoulders level, or, rarely, right shoulder high before surgery).Lumbar Major Curve: effects the lower part of the spine and often curves to the left.Main Thoracic Curve: or type 1 MT curves, the general rule is to fuse only the MT region, posteriorly, anteriorly, or, if occasionally required, circumferentially.Thoracolumbar Curve: is longer than most and extends from the upper to the lower spine. It may curve either to the right or the left.Triple Major Curve: For type 4 TM curves, the general rule is to fuse all three regions. Either the MT or TL/L region can be the major curve, but all three regions are structural.You have:Idiopathic Scoliosis - unknown causeCongenital Scoliosis - Abnormal lateral curvatureAdult Scoliosis - Scoliosis is discovered after the patient has stopped growingDegenerative Scoliosis - The adult who has pre-existing scoliosis will show signs of wear and tear or osteoarthritis (can happen to anyone as we age) - but because of the deformity, their spine starts to collapse and their curve can progress. The other type of person has no scoliosis to start with, but as he or she ages, the spine starts to show signs of wear and tear and it collapses asymmetrically. These individuals actually develop scoliosis later in life, even though they didn't have a pre-existing condition.Neuromuscular Scoliosis - is due to loss of control of the nerves or muscles that support the spine. The most common causes of this type of Scoliosis are cerebral palsy & muscular dystrophy.

What is a home remedy to remove scoliosis from my child's head?

Scoliosis is in fact curvature of the spine and does not directly affect the hair on an individual's head. Scoliosis can only be treated by a physician who will be able to offer a better explanation to what your child may be experiencing.