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Well, If you are trying to gain weight, then you should probably try to build muscle mass by Eating lots of protein, and Lifting weights (Maxing out, not lots of reps). If you Do a lot of reps with weights, you will build endurance, But if you Max out while lifting, Muscle tissue will tear, Drink some Protein shake that will help repair it, and the scar tissue will be slightly larger than it was originally. That is how to get bigger muscles, which weigh more, and are a lot healthier than fat. So, The answer to your question: Protein and Exercise, but mostly exercise.

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Q: Are there pills that can make you gain weight?
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pooping pills do not make you lose weight. Instead they make you lose water weight. so as soon as you drink a liquid you will gain all the weight back.

Do walmart sell weight gain pills?

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Why might somebody gain weight when they started taking weight loss pills?

Maybe they eat more , thinking that the pills will make up the difference.?

Will you gain more weight if you are taking birth control pills but don't take the green ones so your period will stop?

Some women do gain weight while on contraceptive pills, and some do not. Skipping your period, or not taking the in-active green sugar pills, will not make you gain weight, it will just skip your period.

How can birth control make you gain weight?

Despite old wives' tales to the contrary, birth control pills do not cause weight gain. Patients on birth control pills and patients not on birth control in controlled studies both gained weight.

Is cb1 weight gain pills sold in stores?

do stores sell cb1 weight gainer pills

Where can you buy weight gain pills?

You do not need pills, just eat more.

Does certain birth controls make you gain weight?

Yes. There are several forms of birth control where patients have reported weight gain. Some pills and the depo shot for example.

Do Walgreen's sell weight gain pills?


How do you reduce weight which increased due to intake of birth control pills?

If the weight gain was due to water retention, a change in pill or stopping pills will result in rapid weight loss. If weight gain was due to increased calories, then only increased exercise and decreased intake will result in weight gain, even if you stop or change pills.

What ingredient in birth control pills make you gain weight?

The Birth Control itself does not have any ingredients in it that make you gain weight. The birth control makes you crave food and its the food you eat that makes you gain weight. So when you crave the food go for something healthy to eat such as fruit.

Does all birth control make you gain weight?

Yes, most birth control pills do cause meight gain, but some less than others,