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Please contact sperm bank at these sites:www.SurrogateFinder.Com,

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Q: Are there places in houston where you can get paid to donate sperm?
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can I get paid to donate my sperm?

how much can i get paid to donate spem

where can i go to donate my sperm in kc, mo to make extra cash.?

how much can i get paid to donate sperm. You can try several medical centers including research labs, which have several locations in KC.

Do you get paid money to donate sperm and if so, how much money would i be able to get?

The Morgage companies have readjustments to refinance your home

Will I be charged if I do donate my sperm I'm 23 years old I weight 147 ?

No, you shouldn't be charged to be a sperm donor. If you qualify (have a high sperm count, good genetics, no communicable diseases and otherwise healthy) you can be paid well to be a sperm donor.

how much will i get paid to donate sperm?

The payment amounts for sperm donations can vary depending on the bank you are donating too. Some sperm banks will charge you to freeze your sperm. Others will pay 35-50$. Contacting the sperm banks nearest you will help you get an accurate estimate.

where can i get paid to donate sperm in arizona ?

Try the University Medical Center in Tucson. You'll need to pass some tests, but if you do, they pay per session.

How much do you get paid to donate plasma at Biomat US in Boise?

How much do you get paid to donate at biomat in boise idaho

Are there any guys wanting to donate sperm?

There are a lot of men who are willing and have donated sperm. This is usually done at a "sperm bank", where cash is paid on the spot for sperm donations. For the most part sperm in sperm bank come from men who are pre-screened for diseases, mental health issues, and who possess desirable traits such as high IQ, good looks, etc.

Is there anywhere in Polk county FL where my fiancee can donate sperm for money thanks stephanie and josh?

Donating sperm is not quick easy money, it will take a year before you are even able to be paid for your donation, because they have to make sure you aren't carrying HIV.

What college pays you to donate your testicles?

can I donate a testicle for aartifical one for medical sience and get paid. If so were?

Do you get paid to donate blood in India?

yes afcource

Can you get paid to donate your body to medical science?

No, usually not.