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Q: Are there plate tectonics on the Galapagos islands?
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Where plate tectonics involved in the formation of the galapagos islands?


What role do volcanoes play in the formation of the galapagos islands?

The volcanic set up of the Islands can be explained by looking at the theories of Plate Tectonics and the Hot Spot. The platform where the Galapagos Islands started their volcanic growth lies right on top of the Nazca Plate. In Galapagos, the Islands to the East are older than those to the West, this implies that the Galapagos Hot Spot is right under the western Islands of Isabela and Fernandina.

What type of plate boundary is creating the Galapagos Islands Volcano?

your pooo

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Galapagos Islands

Why are the Hawaiian Islands used as evidence of plate tectonics?

The plate tectonics theory is not relevant to the formation of the Hawaiian Islands, but the theory explains why the islands formed in a chain. According to the theory, the plates move constantly. This caused the islands to form in a chain, as the hot spot under them does not move.

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What famous islands are part of the Ecuador?

Galapagos Islands the black ans islands

Which theory describes the motion of earth's crust on its mantle?

plate tectonics=D

What islands lay off the west coast of the equator in south America?

Galapagos Islands

Which has warmer climate the Falkland Islands or the Galapagos Islands?

The Galapagos Islands

What is The theory that describes large scales movements of the lithosphere called?

Plate tectonics

How do volcanoes help plate tectonics?

Volcanoes don't help plate tectonics; volcanoes are the result of plate tectonics.