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yes there is but its very rear like red hair..... -Skye Euro

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Q: Are there real people with natural white hair?
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Lady Gagas white hair is it real?

Actually, it is REAL. She used to have a blonde wig, but then just decided to dye it.She is a natural brunette

Is Ariana Grande's hair natural?

Her hair is real / natural yet her hair color isn't.

What is Lady Gaga's hair style?

Lady Gaga's natural hair color is black. She dyed it white. Sometimes, she just leaves her hair plain. Sometimes, she has a bow in her hair (made by her real hair) : -)

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What color is Lady Gaga's real hair?

She is a natural brunette but she dyed it blonde because people confused her with Amy Winehouse. Her hair is actually medium length but she wears extensions and wigs because her hair is thin. She wears her natural hair in the music video "Videophone".Her natural hair colour is brown.

What Lady Gaga real hair?

She is a natural brunette but she dyed it blonde because people confused her with Amy Winehouse. Her hair is now short blond , her latest video ''alejandero'' you can see her real hair exept for the black/white scene

Is Nicki Minaj's real hair pink?

No. No ones natural hair color is pink.

Does miley Cyrus have black hair in real life?

Her natural hair color is actually brown

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of-corse white of-corse white

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Britney Spears' natural hair color is brown/brunette

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Adam Lambert's natural hair color is strawberry blonde.