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some say it makes them feel less high but that's probably placebo effect

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Q: Are there side effects from Visene used with marijuana?
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Is marijuana really a safe pain killer what are the side effects?

Yes and it's been used for thousands of years, as for side effects it can make you drowsy but nothing major.

Can marijuana forestall loss of lean muscle due to aids?

No. Medical marijuana will not forestall loss of muscle mass. In states where it is apporoved, medical marijuana is used to boost appetite or cope with the side effects of HIV medications.

Is marijuana a curative drug?

Yes. It's used to treat cancer, aides, epilepsy and many other serious conditions with no negative side effects.

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What are the side effects of smoking marijuana while taking trileptal?

increased rage and sleeplessness. mood swings, lack of apatite.

When did they find out that marijuana can cure cancer?

MARIJUANA DOES NOT CURE CANCER. Marijuana is used as a medicine with cancer patients who go through chemotherapy. The chemo causes very severe nausea. Marijuana is used to cure the nausea and settle the stomach of the patient. It is used alternatively to pills for the treatment of nausea because it is cheaper, has less unwanted side effects, and has been proven to be more effective.

Does Marijuana perevent cancer?

Theres no proof that it prevents cancer, however it is used to treat cancer, side effects caused by cancer treatment and many other diseases.

What are the side effects of deworming your puppy?

The possible side effects of deworming will depend on the drug used. With the commonly used dewormers, side effects are rare.

Will your sons marijuana addiction affect his unborn child?

Marijuana has no addictive properties and is used to treat addiction. So far, no negative side effects have been reported in hundreds of thousands of years of humans using it. There are no health risks to worry about.

Is it safe to mix Ritalin and marijuana?

Of course! Marijuana is completely natural and can be used with any drugs with no side effects other than a high of course.

What side effects does aromatherapy cause?

Side effects vary by the type of essential oil used.

What are the good side effects to marijuana use?

relief of pain and increased appetite, both of which occur during a body's fight against cancer and also the chemotherapy used to combat it. There is also recent evidence that the juice or sap from the marijuana plant is a natural and effective treatment for MRSA.