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Q: Are there six half tones in a standard musical scale?
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What is a seminote?

A seminote, frequently called a semitone is the equivalent of a half-step in a musical scale. There are six whole tones, or steps in every scale, and consequently, 12 half tones/steps.

Why is it that there is only half a tone between the third and fourth note and the sixth and seventh notes?

There is only a half tone between the third and fourth and between the sixth and seventh notes in a major scale. In minor or any other forms of musical scales, there can be half tones or full tones in many different places in the scale.

How many steps are in a major scale?

There are eight notes (steps) in a major musical scale. If whole steps are tones and half steps are semitones, then the order is tone, tone, semitone, tone, tone, tone, semitone.

Can the violin play hedwigs theme?

Not by itself; a violinist is needed. You can play any tune on a violin. All the instruments capable of producing a melody can be used to play any melody at all that can be played on a standard Western scale. Violins, trombones, the theramin and possibly other instruments can play melodies that contain tones not included in the standard scales [tones within half-tones].

In traditional western music the is the smallest interval between successive tones of a scale.?

half step

Which musical scale is made up entirely of half steps?

That's a chromatic scale.

What is a semi-tone and tone?

my best friend is Hannah sorry. I thought I was answering a musical question. A tone is a whole step, as in from C to D on the C Major scale, while a Semi-Tone is a half step, as in C to C# on the C Major Scale. The Major scale also contains half steps or semi-tones, in C major the are from E to F and from B to C

What is the only musical scale with 13 half steps?

A Chromatic scale starting from any of the 12 notes, in full, will have 13 half steps.

What is the whole tone musical scale?

It is a scale made up exclusively of whole steps, as distinct from the standard western diatonic scale that is built upon the structure whole-whole-half-whole-whole-whole-half. For example, starting at E flat, the notes of a whole tone scale would be E flat, F, G, A, B, D flat.

Why are there different positions of blues and pentatonic scales?

The positions in blues and pentatonic scales refer to different fretboard positions where the same scale is played. This allows for greater range and flexibility in playing the scales across the guitar neck. Each position offers a different pattern of notes while still maintaining the character and sound of the scale.

How is a minor scale formed?

To turn a major scale to natural minor, lower the third, sixth, and seventh scale tones a half step. To create a natural minor scale from scratch, it is: whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step. A harmonic minor scale has a seventh raised by a half step above a natural minor scale. A melodic minor scale has a sixth and a seventh raised by a half step above a natural minor scale.

What is a half-step up from C?

On the piano, if one plays B-sharp the heard note is C-natural. Conversely if one plays C-flat, the heard note is B-natural. For the same reasons the interval between E and F is also a half step. A musical scale can have only 12 semi-tones (half-steps).