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Q: Are there such things as Flavored rubber bands?
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Why are rubber bands useful?

rubber bands are useful to tie things together, make good capults, support things and just fiddle withh i love rubber bands

Are there flavored bands for braces?

Yes, flavored bands are made for braces, although all dentists may not offer them.

Are rubber bands made out of rubber?

Yes, rubber bands are made out of rubber.(:

Where can you get lots of free rubber bands in the US?

There is no way you can get free rubber bands but at amazon they are selling rubber bands for 10.99$

What is inside a golf ball?

Inside a golf ball can be many things. It could have a rubber ball, with rubber bands, and some have a cork and rubber

Manual needs rubber bands for the newspapers. he delivers 17 newspapers each day. a box of rubber bands last him 9 days.How many rubber bands are in a box?

There are 153 rubber bands in a box (17 newspapers x 9 days = 153 rubber bands).

Do rubber bands contain sulfur?

rubber bands do contain sulfur

Nike Rubber Bands?

form_title= Nike Rubber Bands form_header= Have the best rubber bands with Nike! How many bands do you need?*= _ [50] What color do you want the bands?*= _ [50] What size bands do you need?*= _ [50]

Can you use regular rubber bands instead of orthodontic rubber bands?

No, orthodontic rubber bands are different from regular rubber bands. It is made from medical-grade latex which is safe to be in contact with your mouth. Source:

What are the list of things that are flexible?

Flexible Ruler , Paper clip , Safety pins.

Why do rubber bands stretch?

Rubber bands stretch because of the latex in them and because they are elasticey.

Should you get rubber bands on your braces?

Your orthodontist will usually tell you if you need rubber bands or not.