

Are there water-powered engines

Updated: 5/21/2024
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14y ago

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Yes, hydro-electric dams, waterwheels, and various other types of engines use falling water to do work. If you are wondering about the engines that claim to "burn" water by converting it into some gas first, then burning that gas back into water, then NO, those are scams and don't work.

this is very truebut they do somtimes cause fish in sponing to not be able to mate and many fish die

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14y ago
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2w ago

Yes, there are water-powered engines called water turbines that generate power by harnessing the energy of flowing water. These turbines are commonly used in hydroelectric power plants to generate electricity.

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Action reaction engines that propel an object forward?

Action reaction engines work by expelling a mass in one direction to produce a force in the opposite direction, per Newton's third law of motion. This force propels the object forward by pushing against another object, such as air or the ground. Common examples include rocket engines, jet engines, and propeller-driven engines.

Which type engine offers the highest propulsive efficiency?

Electric engines typically offer the highest propulsive efficiency compared to other types of engines, such as internal combustion engines or gas turbines. This is because electric engines can convert a higher percentage of their energy input into useful work, resulting in better overall efficiency.

What causes an airplane to accelerate?

An airplane accelerates due to the thrust generated by its engines. As the engines produce forward thrust, the aircraft gains speed. The thrust must overcome drag forces acting on the airplane to achieve acceleration.

What are the action reaction engines that propel an object forward?

Two common types of action-reaction engines that propel an object forward are jet engines, which generate forward thrust by expelling a high-speed jet of gas in one direction, and rocket engines, which work based on Newton's third law of motion by expelling mass in the form of exhaust gases at high speeds to create forward thrust.

Machine that transforms heat into mechanical energy?

A heat engine is a machine that transforms heat energy into mechanical energy by harnessing the temperature difference between a hot source and a cold sink. This process typically involves the expansion and contraction of a working fluid, such as steam in a steam engine or gas in an internal combustion engine, to produce mechanical work. Examples include steam engines, internal combustion engines, and gas turbines.

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All Kia engines are intereference engines kia will not confirm but it is true

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All kia engines are intereference engines kia will not confirm but it is true