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no, criminals will always have access to guns.

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Q: Are there ways to keep criminals from getting access to guns?
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Should there be stricter laws on owning a gun?

No. Stricter laws for owing a gun does nothing to stop crime or to keep criminals from buying guns since by definition, criminals don't buy guns legally. Maybe the debate should be extended to crazed psychopaths with guns? Obviously the laws need changing.

What is a good conclusion on Gun Control?

all gun control accomplishes is keeping guns out of the hands of criminals that try to buy a gun legally, but almost ALL criminals don't buy guns legally they get them from other criminals, illegally. it is impossible to keep guns out of the hands of criminals because a criminal does what a criminal does best, break the law and get them illegally (Black Market), and since they don't follow the laws making more of them only hinders law abiding people not the criminals, they will still get any type of gun they want because the all mighty dollar is king. Even if we outlawed all guns the criminals will still have them they would smuggle them into the country just like drugs. The only thing that would accomplish would be law abiding people would be defenceless and the criminals would rule , and yes they take the cops guns from them too when they outlaw all guns, look at England . So i see it like this keep the gun laws we have now and inforce them don't wast my tax dollars to make more laws that only hurt me When guns are outlawed, the only people will have guns are the criminals. and when seconds count, the police are only minutes away

How do be good at Call of Duty?

keep on playing it and you will get better and better because you will be getting used to the guns and maps

Can congress ban all people from owning weapons?

No. And if they tried to pass a law, it would be impossible to enforce, because of all the guns that are already in the hands of the people. The fifth amendment is used to support the right of the people to own guns, so all Congress can do is to try and keep guns out of the hands of criminals and people who are mentally unstable.

Can someone keep your guns from you?

Can someone keeo your guns from you

Why do you keep criminals in prison?

in order to avoid crimes...........

What is the controversial issue of guns?

Politicians want to take aways our right to the 2nd amendment. The thing is, if they do that they take away guns from law abiding citizens and leave the criminals armed. So to keep it simple they are wanting to take our 2nd amendment right away from us. So my advice is vote wisely.

Why do police use zappers?

To get criminals that are to fast to keep up with,save energy, and keep them immobolized.

Why do I keep getting the "out of capacity" error when trying to access my profile here on Answers.cōm?

Nevermind! It's all good now!~

The second amendment protects the rights of citizens to own?

This amendment gives people the right to keep and bear arms (weapons, guns specifically.)

Some communities routinely use GPS to?

keep an eye on convicted criminals.

How do you explain the importance of password security specifically 2 factor authentication without sounding like a criminal?

Explain it in such a way that "Criminals can access your information easily if you don't do x." You don't have to be a criminal to understand how they bypass security. In fact many people make a job out of preventing such criminal activity from effecting their users. Keep using "Hackers will x," and "criminals will x."