

Are they going to make a dynasty warriors movie?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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I already know a movie called The Resurrection of the Dragon, which is about a story of Zhao Yun Zilong.

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Q: Are they going to make a dynasty warriors movie?
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There is quite a few, theres a 2 part movie about Cao Cao's attack against Liu Bei and Sun Quan teamed up. There is a Zhao Yun movie, about his rise from a soldier to an unbeatable general. There is also a Guan Yu movie soon to come out.

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No. But some people on Youtube make videos, episodes, and AMV'S about warriors.

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it's almost the same but empires is is nicer bcuz u can make ur own char and u have empire mode dynasty 6 is just mu-sou mode (6battle's from the history of that char) and almost the same as free mode my choice is Empires