

Are timelords real

Updated: 9/15/2023
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9y ago

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yes,they are.

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Q: Are timelords real
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When did Timelords - role-playing game - happen?

Timelords - role-playing game - happened in 1987.

Why cant the doctor go back in time an be with his fellow timelords and maybe even save them?

he cant as the timelords history has been timelocked and it would create a paradox Even if he could, the Timelords were planning on destroying all life in the universe, which is why he killed them in the first place. So why would he choose to save them.

Who sang Doctorin the Tardis?

It was done by "The Timelords", which in actuality is The KLF.

Has anyone came up with the technology of condensing mass objects into small objects?

Yes, the Timelords.

What is the Timelord planet called in Doctor Who?

The planet of the Timelords is called Gallifrey. It was destroyed in the Great Time War.

Who is the Last of the Timelords?

THE DOCTOR is the last of the timelords. The rest where killed in the time war by the inferno THE DOCTOR used. He never intended to survive but did! In series three or four in 2 episodes (last of the timelords + sound of drums) he mmets another timelord known as THE MASTER who doesn't really like THE DOCTOR (sadly). It is also mentioned in one episode with THE FACE OF BOE / CAPTIN JACK (sorry for spoilers) that the FACE OF BOE will tell his secret to " one lonley traveller without a home " in which the doctor relsises its him, the secret is that he is not the last of the timlords!!! IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE EPISODE DO NOT SCROLL DOWN !!! I MEAN IT !!! ***************In the end THE MASTER turns evil and tries to kill THE DOCTOR but is deafeted and dies, whch means THE DOCTOR returnes to be the last of the timelords! and the sad "lonley traveller" p.s:when i watch somtimes i feel sorry for him being the only one left and always losing his companions!!!

What is the Doctor Who episode called when the doctor meets professor YANA?

Utopia, The sound of the drums and The last of the timelords... but Utopia is when he first meets professor YANA

How do Time Lords reproduce?

There are male (the Doctor, the Master etc.) and female (Romana, the Rani, Susan etc.) timelords. It's pretty easy to figure out from there.

What was the name of the war between the timelords and the daleks?

It is called, the time war True, and there were several of them, the last and most devastating of which resulted in the extinction of The Time Lords as a race.

Did all the Timelords die in the Time War?

No, the Master survived, and in the new years special of Doctor Who, 2009/2010, they all return only to die again.

What galaxy is gallifrey in?

Gallifrey is in the constellation of Kasterborous, which is in (as the TimeLords know it) Mutters Spiral, or as the humans know of it - the Milky Way.

What is the name of the special trick that the doctor can do to change his appearance?

It's called "regeneration" and it happens when the doctor is 'mortally wounded.' It's a way Timelords can cheat Death, to a certain extent.