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because it is and first use ur brain u dummies

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Q: Are tiny fish growing into big fish an example of the growth function of the cell division?
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What cell function is maintained by cell division?

growth and reproduction

What is the function of the parenchyma cell?

Cell division, growth and storage

What are the epiphyseal growth plates seen only in a growing bone?

Epiphyseal growth plates can be seen only in growing bones. Cell division from these plates lead to growth of bones. Once these plates are ossified, bone growth stops.

What are differences between growth and development?

Growth is growing larger in size development is not growing larger in size but growing something else example girls develop breasts

What division do meiosis and cytoplasmic function in?

Growth and tissue repair and production of gametes for sexual reproduction

Mitosis most directly plays a role in?

Well, the function that it does as it halfs the information is that we dont know. :) -Google

How does the growth plate work?

The growth plate works by the chondrocytes being under constant division by mitosis. This is what makes the bones grow and it will go away completely once that person is done growing.

What is exponent growth?

That means that the growth is equal to, or similar to, an exponential function, which can be written (for example) as abx, for constants "a" and "b". One characteristic of exponential growth is that the function increases by the same percentage in the same time period. For example, it increases 5%, or equivalently by a factor of 1.05, every year.

What is experimental growth function?

Experimental growth function are graphs. The graphs shows the growth of each function.

What is ment by exponential growth?

Growth whose rate becomes ever more rapid in proportion to the growing total number or sizeExponential growth occurs when the growth rate of the value of a mathematical function is proportional to the function's current value. Exponential decay occurs in the same way when the growth rate is negative. In the case of a discrete domain of definition with equal intervals it is also called geometric growth or geometric decay (the function values form a geometric progression).

Function of growth hormones?

The function of growth hormones is the stimulate growth in the body

What is the function of ground meristem?

To divide by mitosis and produce new cells which will then differentiate into various new specialised tissues.