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Generally not. While California is not at the bottom of the list, it experiences fewer tornadoes than most other states, averaging about 10 per year.

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Q: Are tornadoes more likely to occur in California than in other states?
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What state is a tornado most likely to occur?

Although tornadoes occur in all states, the state with the most tornadoes is Texas.

Is a Tornado equaly likely to occur in California as in Florida?

No, Florida gets more tornadoes than California.

Where do tornadoes most likely occur at?

Tornado Alley, which is in the central United States.

Is LA a likely place for tornadoes to occur?

No. Tornadoes are fairly rare in California and they are almost always weak. That said, a few tornadoes have occurred in the LA area.

Where in United States do hurricannes occur?

The states most likely to have tornadoes are texas,oklahoma,kansas, and arkansas.

What state do fire tornadoes occur in more?

"Fire tornadoes," more properly called firewhirls, are most common in states prone to intense wildfires. Statistical data is not available, but California would likely be a good candidate.

What are two seasons that tornadoes least likely to occur?

Tornadoes are least likely to occur in fall and winter.

What climate are tornadoes most likely to occur in?

Tornadoes are most likely to occur in a temperate to subtropical climate.

What climate are tornadoes least likely to occur in?

Tornadoes are least likely to occur in a polar climate.

What time are tornadoes most likely to occur?

Tornadoes are most likely to occur in the late afternoon and earl evening.

Where would tornadoes mostly likely occur?

The greatest number of tornadoes worldwide occur in the United States. Tornadoes occur frequently in Missouri, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Tennessee, and Mississippi. They are a bit less frequent in the northern plains states and Ohio Valley. Every state in the USA has had tornadoes at some time.

What time of day do tornadoes least likely occur?

They can occur anywhere but most tornadoes occur in southern US states between March and late May. In northern US states most occur between late spring and early summer. Most tornadoes occur between 3 and 9 pm, but can occur at any hour, in any season of the year.