

Are tornadoes very small

Updated: 9/17/2023
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14y ago

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tornadoes can be small and some can be big well it depends how big the cloud is

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Q: Are tornadoes very small
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Do mini tornadoes do more damage then big ones?

Generally, small tornadoes do less damage than large ones, but some small tornadoes have been very destructive.

Can small tornadoes be very dangerous?

Yes, all tornadoes are dangerous. Some relatively small tornadoes have reach F4 or F5 intensity and caused catastrophic damage. Even weak tornadoes can cause major damage to trailer parks.

Are little tornadoes stronger then bigger ones?

No. Usually the larger tornadoes are the stronger ones, but not always. There have been a few small but very violent tornadoes as well as large but fairly weak ones.

How do tornadoes get their size?

By how strong the tornado is. Even though strong tornadoes tend to be larger how strong a tornado is does not determine its size. Relatively weak tornadoes have been very large and extremely strong tornadoes have been relatively small.

Do tornadoes pick up anything in their way?

No. Most tornadoes are not strong enough to lift very heavy objects. Very violent tornadoes can pick up structures such as houses and churches but even tornadoes like that only produce such winds along a relatively small portion of the damage path.

Do tornadoes turn clockwise while hurricanes turn counterclockwise?

No. In the northern hemisphere tornadoes an hurricanes both turn counterclockwise apart from a very small percentage of tornadoes. They turn clockwise in the southern hemisphere.

What appears to be the relationship between a tornadoes width and it's intensity on the Fujita scale?

There is a general trend that tornadoes with a higher rating tend to be larger to the point that F0 and F1 tornadoes are generally fairly small while F4 and F5 tornadoes are usually very large. However, this is not always the case. Some F4 and F5 tornadoes have been fairly small, and several enormous tornadoes have gotten F0 and F1 ratings.

Are tornadoes cyclonic?

Most tornadoes are cyclonic, meaning they rotate counterclockwise in the northern hemisphere and clockwise in the southern hemisphere. However, a very small percentage of tornadoes are anticyclonic, rotating in the opposite direction.

How hard can tornadoes hit?

tornadoes hit very hard very hard

Is a tornado the second largest storm?

No, as storms go, tornadoes are small. But they can cause very intense localized damage.

What was the smallest tornado?

It is difficult to determine. Many tornadoes have been very small, just a few feet wide.

Can there be thin tornadoes and thick tornadoes?

yes, some tornadoes are relatively small while others are huge