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It really depends on the tortilla. They come in different sizes, made with different flour types, and have different types of fat. The basic ingredients are flour, salt, water, and a fat. If you get a tortilla with whole wheat flour and olive oil, instead of the traditional white flour and shortening, they will be better for you. Just keep in mind that everything is better for you in moderation.

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Q: Are tortillas bad if you are trying to lose weight?
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There's always a balance between what you eat and how much to eat. If you're trying to lose weight, you're trying to reduce the amount of energy(=calories) that you get from your food every day, and unfortunately pizza has such a lot of energy/calories in it - so eating pizza will make it hard to keep the overall amount of calories/energy down. If you want to lose weight and eat pizza, you'll either have to eat just a very small slice, exercise real hard that day, or make sure that everything else that day is really low on energy/calories.

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I guess u should lose some weight. Sorry. I guess u should lose some weight. Sorry.

Is it bad to try to lose weight as a teen?

Yes and no, considering how your body is now. For example, it could stunt your growth if you do not need to lose weight. But if you are very overweight, then you can benefit from losing the weight.