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There are turtles that are endangered, but they are not entirely endangered or threatened as a species.

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Q: Are turltes endangered
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Are turltes a mammal?

No turtles are not mammals instead they are reptiles.

How many kinds of turltes are in the world?

9 million turtles

Facts about sea turtles?

ea turtles are turltes that are warm blooded by;tiyae cunningham

What body parts do turltes use when there moving around?

THey use their shell, arms,and legs

Can turltes get disease?

yeah we are in there world where basically everything come to an End so the Answer is yes it can

What colors are spotted turtles?

Spotted turltes have a dark brown to black carapace with yellow to orange spots on each scute.

In turtle bay resort Hawaii can you swim with turltes and dolphins?

are the turtles still there in september/october in turtle bay in hawaii

What is chief little turltes real name?

A quick trip to Wikipedia would have given you the answer in under 10 seconds... Mishikinaakwawas his real name.

Can you give me a Title For My Science Project?

My science fair project is "What Colors Do Turltes Reconize Best?" (Red, Blue, Yellow or White.) What is a cute creative title?

Why do turltes swim backwards?

they dont swim backwards yah um, either u asked the question wrong or your reeeaallly tired cause they dont swim backwards

What do large sea turltes eat?

Large Sea turtles eat different things go to and you can look up all the different types of sea turtles and their facts

Can turltes survie without oxygen?

no, every living animal need oxygen, either from air or water.turtles can survive for only a few minutes, like humans, without oxygen.