

Are turquoise conure loud

Updated: 11/17/2022
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9y ago

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All parrots screech loudly at times.

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Q: Are turquoise conure loud
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Yes conures can drink milk. Conures crave crackers, like cheese its or other types of crackers. All crackers contain milk. Cheese its are made of cheese. Cheese contains milk. My conure, Reathirs, loves cheese. Only feed a dieting conure food & water. Some conures have a certain diet to go on. Maybe your conure has a diet where it can only drink water & eat certain bird food or pellets. Mabye your conure is allergic to milk. If your conure DOES NOT have any allergic reactions or any diet you may feed it fresh cold milk. A water bottle cap full of milk is the maximum milk a conure should have a day. My conure also likes moist peanut butter. Only feed a conure a little morsel of peanut butter for your conures health.

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