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Q: Are two daughter cells produced when bacteria undergoes binary fission?
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Can bacteria undergo recombination?

Generally speaking, no. Bacteria reproduce asexually, via a process known as binary fission, in which two identical daughter cells results from the splitting of a parent cell. However, bacteria do have ways of modifying their DNA through various methods. See link below.

What is the process of bacterial reproduction called?

The most common bacterial reproduction is by Binary Fission, which is the use of mitosis to create two identical cells from one. Rarely, bacteria can reproduce sexually (ie using meiosis to create genetically different daughter cells) but this is not the most widely used mechanism.

Does bacteria usally reproduce by fission?

Bacteria can only reprodue through binary fission.

Example of binary fission?

When some bacteria reproduces, it uses binary fission.

What organisms use fission method?

Single celled organisms, bacteria and protozoa, reproduce by fission.

How Do Bacteria and Fungi Raise Their Young?

Bacteria:Bacteria reproduce by binary fission or sometimes by budding, but do not undergo sexual reproduction.Fungi:Fungi reproduce both asexually, by budding or binary fission, as well by producing spores, which are called conidia when produced asexually, or basidiospores when produced sexually.

How does bacteria reproduse?

Bacteria reproduces by binary fission.

What is induced nuclear fission?

We might think of induced nuclear fission as a fission reaction that occurs when a neutron is captured by, say, a uranium-235 atom and that atomic nucleus undergoes fission as a result. Most all of the fission events within a nuclear reactor or nuclear weapon are induced. Given this, we might then compare that fission event to a spontaneous fission event wherein the atomic nucleus of a uranium-235 atom spontaneously undergoes fission without having captured a neutron.

What is a sexual fission?

the dploid zygote usually undergoes meiosis.producing sexual

What is bacteria's way of asexual reproduction?

most bacteria reproduce sexually. It is very rare for bacteria to reproduce sexually. but it is possible

In a nuclear fission reaction a freely moving neutron?

In a nuclear fission reaction, a freely moving neutron undergoes neutron capture and initiates the nuclear fission of a fuel atom.

How can bacteria reproduce by fission?

Bacteria reproduce by a process called binary fission, where a single bacterium divides into two identical daughter cells. During fission, the bacterial chromosome replicates, and the two copies move to opposite ends of the cell. Then, the cell elongates, and a septum forms in the middle, dividing the cell into two. Finally, the cell membrane pinches inwards, resulting in the formation of two independent daughter cells.