

Are unstable isotopes chemically inert

Updated: 8/21/2019
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9y ago

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Unstable isotopes can be chemically reactive.

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Q: Are unstable isotopes chemically inert
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Why is the chemical property of an isotope similar?

Isotopes differ each other from the number of neutrons which is a chemically inert subatomic particle.

What is an unstable isotope?

Unstable isotopes are radioactive isotopes, can disintegrate and emit radiations.

Is argon chemically inert?

yes argon is chemically inert because its valence shell is complete.

What does helium react chemically with?

Helium is considered an inert noble gas. Only some unstable compunds of helium are known today: HeNe, HgHe10, WHe2.

Hydrogen has how many unstable isotopes?

Hydrogen has 1 unstable isotope, and 2 stable isotopes.

How are isotopes different from stable atoms?

Unstable isotopes can spontaneously undergo changes, transforming them into other isotopes of the same or of different elements. Stable isotopes do not. Some isotopes are very unstable and exist for less than a second; others can exist for billions of years but still be unstable. Many elements consist of more than one isotope. One or more of these isotopes may be unstable. In isotopes of an element, the nucleus contains different numbers of neutrons while the number of protons remains the same and determines how the atom behaves chemically. There are several types of instability (too few neutrons, too many neutrons) and several types of decay.

Is Carbon chemically active or inert?

Covalent Bond. Chemically Active. The only elements that are inert are group 18, or 8A.

Are All isotope unstable?

Not all isotopes are unstable. But now more than 3 000 unstable isotopes are known, artificial or natural.

Noble gases are chemically?

Noble gases are chemically inert. They have completely filled orbitals, hence are generally non-reactive (or chemically inert).

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Is Gold chemically active or inert?

Gold is active, or at least not inert. Only the noble gases are inert.