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Vaginal warts are caused by the HPV virus (human papilloma virus). It's spread by sexual content (petting, touching, intercourse etc.).

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Q: Are vaginal warts from knocking around?
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Related questions

What kind of virus is HPV?

hpv is human papiloma virus. it is penile or vaginal warts. similar to regular warts. it is a leading cause of cervical cancer. a very effective vacine is now available.

Is hpv the cause of common warts and plantar warts?

There are around 120 different serovars of HPV and some do cause common warts and plantar warts. These are not sexually transmitted.

What is vaginal redness bumps and itching mean?

By the sound of it, STD. Which one? Well it might be herpes or genital warts. There are other stds with similar symptoms though

What is the meaning if you're still burping since 2 days?

Penis, Spaghetti, Blistery Breasts, Anus, Vaginal Warts, Kiss The Cook, Beef, Poo Riggus, weinershnitzle.

Can you have chlamydia if you have genital warts?

You can't get chlamydia from a genital scar. Chlamydia is spread by sexual contact with someone who's infected. You can get it from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected woman.

What types of warts are there?

Plantars warts seed warts smart warts and many more

Why do pickles have warts?

pickles have warts because cucumbers have warts.

What is the knocking noise in or around the catalc converter?

The knocking noise in or around the catalytic converter comes because something is broken. It could be a pipe or a strap or something else. Fix it before you leave your exhaust pipe on the road.

Why does the rear end of your 1999 Subaru Outback Legacy sound like its knocking?

i don't know if it helps, but my '99 legacy outback was making a knocking sound. turned out that the oring on the brake caliper pin had worn out, and the pin was kind of knocking around.

Do slugs give you warts?

Snails do not give you warts.

What might be the problem if you got a pimple on the sidewalls of your virgina?

That is something the gynecologist have to see with his own eyes to determine. A possible reason could be genital warts. If it is treated early you will have no permanent damage. If it is let unattended the vaginal walls will be covered in warts with time. I can not say it is the reason but it is a posibility but either way pay a visit to the gynecologist today.

Can you get warts on your face?

Your face is not generally considered genitalia; warts on the face are facial warts.