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The Word "Vegetarian" is generally use for humans that don't eat meat. The Word used for animals is "herbivore".

The biggest land animals are herbivores while the biggest sea animal - the blue whale - is a carnivore - meat eater.

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What animals live in Guatemala and are vegetarian?

None. No non-human animals are vegetarian. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice. Only humans make lifestyle choices. Only humans can be vegetarian.

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What are vegetarian organisms?

Animals that don't eat other animals.

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No, the gopher is a vegetarian!

Are any animals predominantly vegetarian or vegan?

Vegetarian is generally use for humans that don't eat meat. The Word for animals is herbivore. And yes, there are several animals that are herbivores.

What is the difference between carnivorous and vegetarian animals?

Carnivorous- Only meat. Vegetarian- No meat.

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Prawns, or shrimp, are a type of marine crustacean, which are animals.

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on their head?

Is butter vegetarian?

yes it is if you are not a strict vegetarian but if you do not eat anything from animals then no its not because butter comes from a cow.

Are jaguars vegetarian?

They are Carnivore's or meat eating animals

How many animals does one vegetarian help?

It depends on how long the person is vegetarianfor, and home many animals they would have eaten if they did not turn vegetarian. In a lifetime, it can add up to a few thousand animals, possibly.

What would you do without animals?

Without animals everyone would die unless you were a vegetarian.