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yes they are, and I'm trying to figure out why but they are located near each other.

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Q: Are veins located in the skeletal muscle and collagen?
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What blood vessel relies mostly on the skeletal muscle pump?


What type of muscle tires quickly during exercise smooth or skeletal?

Skeletal. Definitely. Skeletal Muscle moves bone whereas smooth muscle is found in organs and other parts of the body (stomach, veins, arteries, etc.)

What provides the pressure to move blood through the veins and back to the heart?

skeletal muscle contraction that squeezes the blood in the veins.

What keep the blood moving through the venous system?

Skeletal muscle movement and valves in the veins.

What causes blood flow through veins back to heart?

skeletal muscle pump repiratory pump

Which depends on the skeltal muscle pump artery or vein?

Veins depend on the skeletal muscle pump to help move blood back to the heart. One-way valves in veins also assist in venous return.

Why do lymphatic vessels have valves?

They have valves so that they can move lymphatic fluid much the same as veins by skeletal muscle contraction.

What are the major factors that promote the flow of venous blood?

Factors are, skeletal muscle contraction, breathing movements and vasoconstriction of veins.[venoconstriction].

How do you skeletal muscles contribute to blood flow?

Skeletal muscles force blood in veins to return to the heart.

What kinds of muscle tissue have important circulatory functions?

Both Cardiac and Skeletal muscles help the circulatory system. The cardiac muscle is in the heart, which cycles the blood through the veins and arteries. Skeletal muscle helps push blood in distal blood vessels against gravity into the inferior vena cava and then the heart.

What kind of blood vessels are helped by contraction of skeletal muscles?

Both veins and arteries. The contracting muscles on all sides of the vessels squeeze the blood along in the dire tion it is travelling, either away from (arteries) or back to (veins) the heart. This helps the heart so that it doesn't have to do all the hard work itself. In other words exercise is good for your heart. Medicine calls it the skeletal muscle pump.

What types of muscle tissue are found in humans?

In the bones of the body