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Q: Are viruses more complex than human cells?
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What can scientists learn from studying cells?

Traditionally, a microscope.But if you consider a more complex application of the sciences, such as Biochemistry or Cellular Genetics, then the answer to this question becomes far too complex.

What is are complex cells in the human body called?

There are eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. Eukaryotic cells are more complex.

Are human cells more complex than a parameciums?

Human cells are more complex than a paramecium. They are capable of doing more things than the single-celled paramecium.

Why human cells more complex than frog?

because we are bigger and need more adaptations to survive so that's why humans are more complex maddux Russell:)

What are the differences between human cells bacteria and viruses?

Simply put. Human cells are more complex eukaryotic cells with a membrane bound nucleus and many membrane bound organelles. Such as the endoplasmic reticulum, the Golgi body and lysosomes to name a few organelles. Bacterial cells are less complex prokaryotic cells with few organelles and no nucleus, just diffuse genetic material in a nucleoid region. Also having cell walls. Viruses are quite simple non-living collections of genetic material and protein coats. They prey on both bacteria and humans as parasites needing our reproductive mechanisms to reproduce themselves.

Why do you classify viruses as obligatory intracellular parasite?

Viruses need living cells to produce more viruses. They are obliged to use living cells.

Does the human body have more bacterial or human cells?

it has more human cells actually the human body has more bacterial cells. Although it may seem more likely that the human body would have more human cells than bacterial cells. -Vasillisa

Are prokaryotic cells more complex than cells of eukaryotes?

No, generally prokaryotic cells are less complex than eukaryotic cells.

What viruses have Rna in their core rather than Dna?

They are called Rna viruses. Rna retro-viruses are a different and somewhat more complex matter.

What are the differences between simple and complex viruses?

Simple viruses have a basic structure, with only a few genes and proteins, while complex viruses have a more intricate structure with multiple layers and components. Simple viruses typically cause mild infections and are easier to treat, while complex viruses can cause more severe diseases and may be harder to treat due to their sophisticated mechanisms of replication and evasion of the immune system.

What cells are more complex the prokaryotic cells?

ok..the answer your looking for is Eukaryotes

How organisms makes them up?

Organisms are made up of different kinds of cells and tissues. The more complex the organism, the more complex the makeup. For example, a single-celled organism has just one cell that comprises it, and a human has cells, tissues, organs, and body systems that enable the body to function. Despite the vast differences from a single-celled paramecium and a human, both are organisms, and both are made up of cells and tissues.