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Increases in the minimum wage are regulated by law, and therefore increases in the minimum wage are mandatory. Other wage increases are negotiated.

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Q: Are wage increases mandatory in Nova Scotia?
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What is the average rent in Nova Scotia?

According to Statistics Canada the average weekly income (all industries) in Nova Scotia was $ 659,02 in 2006. The average hourly wage in Nova Scotia was $ 17,89 in January 2008. Average weekly earnings in Nova Scotia (2006) were $707,83 (StasCan). Average hourly wage in Nova Scotia was $17,89 (Jan. 08).

How Much Does a Garbage Man earn in Nova Scotia?

A garbage man can earn an hourly wage of around 20 US dollars in Nova Scotia. The average annual salary for such a position is between 70,000 and 100,000 US dollars.

What is the minimum wage in Nova Scotia?

$10.40 an hour is the minimum wage in Nova Scotia, $9.90 for inexperienced workers. This was last increased on 2014 April 1 and will increase yearly, next on 2015 April 1. "inexperienced employee" means an employee who has not been employed by his or her present or other employer for a total period of three calendar months to do the work for which the employee is employed, but it does not include a person in the employ of an employer for whom he or she has completed three calendar months of employment.

What are the increases for minimum wage in nys?

Minimum Wage has gone up to 8 dollars an hour in New York City. The states minimum wage will increases to $8.75 an hour on December 31 2014.

What is the main job of a union?

to get wage increases for their members.

Canada's minimum wage?

Alberta $8.40 BC $8.00 Manitoba $8.50 New Brunswick $7.75 Newfoundland $8.00 NWT $8.25 Nova Scotia $8.10 Nunavut $10.00 Ontario $8.75 PEI $8.00 Quebec $8.50 Saskatchewan $8.60 Yukon $8.58

What is one of the key goal of unions?

to get wage increases for their members.

When minimum wage increases for workers how does this affect the supply curve for a company?

When minimum wage increases for workers this affects the supply curve upwards for the company. This will mean that the cost goes up which pushes the curve to the left.

A cola automatically raises the wage rate when?

When the consumer price index increases

Which type of regulation increases costs for consumers but helps US businesses?

Laws that increase the minimum wage for workers

How much will restaurant hostess make at upscale restaurant?

Around minimum wage or a little more plus tips from customers. You might even get tips from servers if it's mandatory or not mandatory.

Does Raising the minimum wage is likely to cause a shortage of people willing to work?

Yes, Now a days Inflation rate is increases very fastly but the wage rate is increases as much they should increase. The cost of every thing is rises. So the raising the minimum wage is likely to cause a shortage of people willing to work.