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For the most part, no. Some water is present in the atmosphere in the form of clouds and water vapor, but water and ice are generally considered part of the hydrosphere. Rocks compose the geosphere or lithosphere.

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Q: Are water ice and rock part of the atmosphere?
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Is water considered part of the atmosphere?

Bodies of water are not part of the atmosphere, but water vapor and water and ice in clouds are.

What are the three physical states of water in the atmosphere?

Atmospheric water is largely water vapor, the gaseous form of water. When water becomes liquid it forms clouds and fog. It eventually collects and becomes rain (liquid distilled water) or sleet or hail (solid ice) or snow or hoer frost (solid ice crystals of ice).Only water vapor can be considered part of the atmosphere, the others occur as the vapor leaves the atmosphere.

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What happens to water in a rock as it changes from liquid to ice?

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There is no ice on the moon because there is no water or atmosphere.

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It is found in the atmosphere.

What is the solid form of water that breaks rock?

The Solid Form of Water that breaks rock is called "ice".

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There is some water ice suspended in Neptune's atmosphere.

How do ice and water change rock?

== ==

Does Saturn or mercury have ice?

Hey Cyrstal here Saturn's rings are made of rock and ice but Mercury does not have ice. Cyrstal Comment: Not a bad answer, but it's thought Mercury has some ice, in craters at the poles. Also I think there is a small amount of water ice in the atmosphere of Saturn.

How does ice and water break up rock?

Water expands as it freezes. So if water gets into a crack in a rock, and then freezes, the expanding ice pushes against the rock and can cause the rock to break.

How is the freezing and thawing of water a part of the weathering process?

For example,when ice thaws, it becomes water, which can go into holes of a rock. When the water freezes, it expands & puts pressure on the rock which causes it to break apart/weather