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Q: Are weathering and erosion the same process or opposites?
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Is erosion and deposition the same?

No, they are opposites.

Does weathering must take place before erosion?

Not exactly, when erosion occurs weathering is happening.' Weathering is almost the same thing as erosion, but not completely.

Is their any weathering and erosion on Mars?

yes mars has erosion and weathering just the same as on earth.

Do weathering and erosion happen at the same time?

not always but alot of the time they do occur at the same time it is possible

Is weathering the same as a erosion?

No it is not. Erosion is a constant state of wear on a subject by the same force.. where as weathering is the consistant battering of a subject by differnent forces..causing both to change is shape and form and texture.

What occurs during the weathering process?

There are 2 main processes of weathering, mechanical weathering and chemical weathering. In both processes the rocks are broken down. In the mechanical weathering process the rocks are simply made smaller. they are the same composition, just smaller pieces. In the process of chemical weathering the minerals in the rocks undergo a chemical change, they break down. This break down of minerals make them easier to erode. But, erosion is a different question.

Do rocks stay the same shape forever?

No. Weathering and erosion can change them and they can of course get damaged and crack. If they are in the sea, that can affect them. It can be a long and slow process, but rocks do change.

What is the same between weathering and erosion?

Erosion is the gradual destruction and removal of rock or soil in a particular area by rivers, the sea, or the weather and weathering is the disintegration and breakdown of rocks into smaller and smaller particles by agents such as water, temperature,oxygen,wind and roots of plants

Are weathering and erosion the same process?

Both chemical and mechanical weathering breakdown a rock into particles, just in diffrent ways. Mechanical weathering is the physical weathering in which a rock is broken down into particles. Chemical weathering is the weathering in which rocks are disolved, decomposed , or loosend to change the minerals in the rock.

What are the steps on how weathering and erosion and deposition work together?

they all do the same thing, i think

Is erosion and weathering the same thing?

No, though they are often confused. Here are the definitions:Weathering: the wearing away of rocks in situErosion: the wearing away and taking away of rocks

How is erosion and deposition alike?

I don't think they are, deposition is the settling down of sediments that had been carried by erosion. Deposition is how deltas and alluvial fans are created. However erosion is the process of moving weathered sediments to a new location. So, a way deposition and erosion are similar is that they are in the same process. Weathering -> Erosion -> Deposition