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Q: Are woman or man more likely to get calcium disease?
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Milk is a breakfast?

Milk is very good for you to have at breakfast but also have a portion of fruit or cereal etc. Milk is good because it gives you the calcium that you should have everyday. This way you are more likely to not get osteoporosis- which is caused by not enough calcium. ( It is a disease that makes you very weak and you have holes in your bones) Have your daily calcium as there is no cure for this disease!

Is calcium more likely to gain or lose electrons?

Calcium is most likely to lose two electrons to form its dipositive ion.

Are Women are more likely to be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease than men?

Yes, women are more likely to achieve Alzheimer's disease then men.

To become more stable calcium is likely to?

lose two elcetrons

Which element is more likely to combine with other elements calcium or xenon how do you know?

Calcium. I know because I studied chemistry.

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What make a person have osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile and more likely to fracture. Many factors can contribute to the development of osteoporosis, including family history, lifestyle choices, certain medical conditions, and the side effects of some medications.If you do not get enough calcium and vitamin D, or your body does not absorb enough calcium from your diet, your bones may become brittle and more likely to fracture.

People with what disease are most likely to have side effects from taking ondansetron?

People with liver disease may be more likely to have side effects from ondansetron.

Does calcium help you lose weight?

A we know that calcium is important for bone development and protecting against the bone disease osteoporosis. More calcium inside a cell means more fat. So we can say Overdose of calcium make fat in our body.

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Does heart disease make the white of your eyes yellow?

Not usually. This is more likely to be a symptom of liver disease, cancer, or a disease of the spleen.

Do women get primary Raynaud's disease more?

Women are five times more likely than men to develop primary Raynaud's disease