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Q: Are wooden floor registers better than metal ones?
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Are metal storage sheds better than wooden ones?

Wooden are sturdier and don't rust.

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wooden lacrosse sticks give you a lot more whip but they break easier then metal lacrosse sticks metal is way better

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Practically speaking a metal chair is a lot better for an overweight person than a wooden one because metal chairs is more able to support the overweight person than a wooden one.

Are wooden folding tables better than metal ones for the garden?

Wooden folding tables are more sturdy, they do not have the tendency to bend like metal tables. You can move the wooden tables easier than the metal ones and you do not have to worry about rusting.

Are metal picture frames more sturdy than wooden picture frames?

No, not unless they are welded together where as wooden ones are glued. Metal ones are better for hanging pictures

Why is a metal barn not as warm in the winter as a wooden barn?

Metal cools as fast as it heats. Wood retains the heat better .

Can there be wooden guitar frets?

Yes but metal frets will let the string resonate better

Why do semi trailers have wooden floors and not metal?

Couple of reasons. One, wood is cheaper and easier to replace. Two, wood is more resilient than metal, and if it bends, it won't necessarily be permanently bent that way. Three, wood is lighter than metal. Four, if dunnage needs to be nailed into the floor (for example, to keep freight stationary), it can be done with a wooden floor.

Which is better for professional tennis players wooden rackets or metal rackets?

Metal rackets because they are made of tougher substances and last longer.

Why does a metal floor feels colder than a wooden floor on a cold morning?

Metal conducts heat very well; the heat of your feet will be carried away quickly on a metal floor, causing you to feel cold - because of the loss of heat. Wood conducts heat very POORLY; it's an excellent insulator. That's why we use wooden "trivets" to protect delicate tabletops from hot cooking vessels.

Why will a metal rail and wooden floor have the same coldness after sometime?

Despite different thermal characteristics they have reached thermal equilibrium with the ambient atmosphere.

Are metal filing cabinets better than wooden ones?

In terms of durability, metal filing cabinet will last longer so it will be a better choice but if you are more on the appearance, an office with wooden furniture looks more elegant but depends on individual preferences and if there are existing furniture to match