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A black hole consists of three main parts: The Accretion disk, (outer edge made up of hot gasses/rock etc). The event horizon (the part that looks as though it it a huge black hole, this is because the parts moving into it are moving faster than the speed of light so you cannot see the past this point). The Singularity, (this is where the fabric of time and space is pushed to near breaking point, it is Theorized that this is the point of infinite Density, pressure and temperature).

When you enter a black hole you will be ripped apart into individual atoms after have becoming a "noodle" after that when you reach the Singularity no one relay knows.

**Now the main difference between black holes and Worm holes is , you are not torn apart accept you will travel through the worm hole and to another part of space, this could be hundreds upon hundreds of light years away or a few miles it would depend on the worm hole. **

Remember Wormholes have not been proven to exist(yet) they are still Science Fiction...

*This is a very complicated subject and i recommend you study it further if you are interested as this information is not even a scratch of what people know.*

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11y ago

A black hole is the name givenfor the observable phenomenon of a gravitational distortion ina region of SpaceTime. Thehypothesisupon which this gravitational distortion is explained, is thatthis region ofSpaceTimeprevents anything, including light, from escaping its gravitational attraction. A white hole, which has never been observed in an form,is the name given to the hypothetical complement of the black hole. The hypothesis upon whicha theoretical white holeis explained, is thata white holepresents aregion of SpaceTimethat preventsanything, including light, from entering its anti-gravitational repulsion.

The relationship between these two conditions was to provide a hypothetical basis for the conjectured existence of a wormhole. The concept for associating wormholes with black holes arose from an alternative theory in 1922 which suggested that black holes would not stabilize as a singularity. Rather this alternative theory suggested that a black hole could allow for torsion to form an Eisen-Rosen Bridge through to a white hole on the other side. Stephen Hawking later popularize this concept by suggestion that time travel would be possible through a wormhole. Still this is all only theory. There has never been any real evidence to consider the existence of wormholes as anything but theory, and it remains only as a mathematical probability.

As a side note, other studies suggest that wormholes cannot be real because the very existence relies on the pairing of black holes or the pairing of a black hole and a white hole. And since there is no escape from a black hole (save the lost energy of matter being radiated), the paring black holes is an inept conception of travel. Similarly disputed is the co-existence of a black hole and a white hole; i.e. since there considered a set amount of energy and matter within the universe by virtue of the Big Bang, then there can be no loss or gain of energy or matter within an already created universe. Simply stated, the co-existence of a black hole and a white hole pairing imposes a SpaceTime paradox.

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It is unknown whether white holes exist at all.

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Yes,they're related.

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Hypothetical celestial bodies that behave in an opposite manner to black holes and rather than pulling everything in they spit matter out. White holes also have a unstable gravity and collapse and turn into black holes.

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I think white dwarfs. This is because they are much more low mass than black holes. White dwarfs are much more common in the universe than black holes, because we have only discovered a few black holes whereas we are aware of many white dwarfs.

Does Stephen Hawking have prove that black holes are actually white?

Not exactly - What Stephen Hawking did was to promote a rationalization for an argument that black holes and white holes have similar natures. In quantum mechanics, the black hole emits Hawking radiation, and so can come to thermal equilibrium with a gas of radiation. Since a thermal equilibrium state is time reversal invariant, Stephen Hawking argued that the time reverse of a black hole in thermal equilibrium is again a black hole in thermal equilibrium. This implies that black holes and white holes are similar objects with the same nature. However the classical consideration for white holes is that they are the reverse of black holes and theoretically support the wormhole hypothesis by pairing a black hole with a white hole.

If there are black holes does that also mean that there are white holes scientifically?

No, it does not mean that.Black holes and white holes are two different "solutions" of the equations of General Relativity; but that doesn't imply that one, or the other, actually exist. It is now almost certain that black holes exist; as for white holes, there are theoretical problems that may make them impossible, such as: * A white hole is, in many aspects, there reverse of a black hole. And just as there is no way to destroy a black hole, there is no way to CREATE a white hole. * It seems that in a white hole, entropy would decrease over time.

Is a white hole just as dangerous as a black hole?

There is no evidence that white holes exist.

Are white holes white or black?

Not much is really known about white holes... including the question whether they exist, or even can exist. The term "white" hole has simply been used in comparison with a "black hole", which is in some ways the opposite.

Do white holes blow?

White-holes are a theoretical hypothesis that they are the opposite of a black-hole, in which case they would push matter out into space yes.