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Men don't usually wear necklaces to events. Wrist watches say much more and have more class.

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Q: Are wrsit watches the fanciest thing a man will wear or can he wear a necklace?
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Why do people hate emos?

Some people can be cautious of emos and goths because of the bad press they get. I don't think they honestly hate emos, they're just a bit scared. With all the dark make-up, peircings, wrsit splitting and the whole ''emotionally unstable'' thing can be rather unnnerving for some of us.Then you just get the idiots who haven't got anything better to do and just need someone to annoy (to be honest they probably pick emos cause they're different)i would know about all this because i am an emo they just think were crazy because were different and they dont know what we have been through it has nothing to style , cutting , or where you come from its all in the personality.and some people HATE what ever they cant understand!Personally I think that the people who pick on emos are the ones with the emotional problems, because they have to pick on some one to make themselves feel better. Also it's because people are just so prejudice they look at people and they think that they can tell what they're like inside. BUT THEY CANT!!! Just because people dress different doesnt mean that they are freaks. Emo people are some of the nicest people I know, and i wish other people could see that too.Addition: Honestly, it's the whining. Everyone else has feelings, but we don't go around showing them and we expect the same courtesy in return. So yeah, people who let their unhappiness influence their actions are looked down upon - they're acting up publicly in a way that just isn't socially acceptable to the vast majority of people. I've got nothing against them, but they've just got no business waving their emotions around in everyone's face. I'm not going to sugarcoat the world for them, just because they pretend to be too fragile to handle it. I don't buy the act