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Yes, what you have heard is true. A woman can restart the milk in her breasts, or relactate, at any time. This is most commonly done when an infant is adopted and the adoptive mother wants to give every best advantage to her new child. Relactation primarily involves nipple stimulation that is usually provided by a breast pump. The pump is used multiple times a day for a period of weeks. This stimulation along with herbal supplements will give signals to the mother's body that breast milk is needed and her milk production will begin again.

I wish you good luck as you explore the possibilities of beginning again the miracle of breast feeding. Of course consult your doctor about any other health concerns you may have. The services and encouragement of a qualified lactation consultant are also invaluable and should be sought out early on.

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Q: Are you able to produce breast milk even if you havent breastfed in 6 years i was told that after you have nursed u can produce milk no matter how many years has passed?
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