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No, you're not. A question of that ilk is not suitable here.

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Q: Are you allowed to ask how to pull pranks on other people's property?
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Why should you respect other peoples property?

You should respect it because if you respect theirs they will respect your property

How you show respect for the property of others?

Respect for Property is respecting other peoples things or even your own things this generally includeds homes cars and technology and sometimes included peoples pets

Why is it bad to break people things?

Destroying other peoples property is illegal and they will hate you if you do!

Why do boys break your hymen?

Because they are mean and like to vandalize other peoples property

Where can you find the best pranks?

The best pranks are found in various online forums dedicated to pranking people for fun. Other places to find the best pranks include Youtube and other file sharing websites.

Are there other pranks like the invisible rope?


Why were gold licenses invented?

gold license were invented to allow access to other peoples property or land.

Can you look at Facebook?

NO. By law facebook is not allowed to look at other peoples messages. ( as it is stated in there terms and conditions)

Why do you think people damage other people's property?

other people damage other peoples propery because its not their things an because they dont care.

Should parents be held respondsable for destroying school property?

Not in the least. Hold the child responsible and therefore teach the child not to damage other peoples property.

Can a person build a dam on his property to prevent water from draining on to his property from another person property?

if the dam wall is on his land then they should be allowed to because noneof his property is on the other persons land