

Are you allowed to put a webkinz in a real bath tub?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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14y ago

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Yes you can, but put a little shampoo only, and then put him in the dryer, or hair dry it.

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Q: Are you allowed to put a webkinz in a real bath tub?
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Is it ok to put a webkinz in a real bath for fun?

If you look on the tag, it shows what the webkinz plush is made of. If it's silk, then no. If it's cotton, then yes. After you take the plush out of the bath, dry it off well. Good Luck (A.K.A Chips)

Can you give Webkinz a bath?

Yes, you can give your webkinz a bath. First, if you do not already have a bath, go to the webkinz shop and buy one. Once you have one, you put it in your room. once that is done, you click on the bathtub. once you click on it, a screen will pop up with your webkinz in a bathtub. there are many things to do in the bathtub. Hope this helps! Anonymous

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Of course :D There is no predujice (sorry I spelled that wrong) in Webkinz!! what is tht word again-predujice

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Yes but you have to give it a bath after or put it in the dryer and if you're giving it a bath you have to do it good or else it will start to stink and grow mold.

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you can get kinz style on webkinz by buying it in real life. it comes with a code and when you put it in in the code shop you get it!

How do you take your webkinz a bath?

You can throw it in the dryer on delicates until they are a little damp then air dry from there

Where do you put the webkinz studio?

In your Webkinz Room of cource?!

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How do you have fun with Webkinz?

First you can make a video for them, like telling about them or you can make a introduction and when you get time you can show your family. The other thing you could with your webkinz is have a tea party, party, or a Halloween webkinz trick or treat. If you give them a tea party, first grab all of your webkinz put them in a circle maake you in front of them and put a small box or table in the middle then put little cups and plates on the box/table and then get little toy or real snacks then after that have fake or real tea and then you have it. If you have a party make little balloons, food and drinks, fake/real, and games then you can add anything else. And if you make a Halloween webkinz trick or treat, first get some litttle costume for them paper/fabric/or plastic, then get them buckets and hand out candy for them. Another way to have fun with your webkinz is play wiht it and enjoy :)

Can you put webkinz in water?

They will feel && look weird, BUT! they are your webkinz and therefore what you do with them are your decisions.i put my gecko in and nothin happined