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Any military service qualifies you as a 'veteran.'

However, this does not automatically qualify you for Department of Veterans' Affairs benefits. These benefits are tied to specific qualifications such as service-connected disability or participation in G.I. Bill Educational Benefit programs.

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If your nation is at war during the time you are wearing the military uniform, you are a war veteran.

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You are considered a National Guard vet. As far as benefits go, the V.A. will tell you what you qualify for.

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Q: Are you considered a War veteran while enlisted?
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Who is considered an actual US veteran?

Anyone who served in the military is considered a veteran, war or peace

What determines who is a war veteran?

A person who was enlisted in an army (or other military organization, such as a navy or air force) and who fought in a war, is therefore a war veteran. If you happened to get caught up in the fighting in some way but you were not actually a member of an official armed force, then you are just a victim of a war, rather than a veteran of it.

If you served during the Vietnam war in the us army reserves but were not called to active duty except for training are you considered a Vietnam era veteran?

You are a Vietnam Era Veteran but not a Vietnam War Veteran

What time frames are necessary for a veteran to be considered Korean War Era?

1950 ~ 1953

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you are not considered a veteran of WW-II.that time frame was from December 7,1941 to September 3,1945.

When did soldiers from the Korean War first qualify as veterans?

A veteran is considered anyone that has served in the armed forces. Anyone that came back from Korea would have been a Veteran of the Korean War. Once one has received a discharge from the armed forces, they are a veteran.

What qualifies you to be considered a World War 2 veteran?

Serving at least 3 months in a military force during the war.

Are you considered a World War 2 veteran if you served in 1947?

No because WW2 was over in 1945

Are you a veteran if you died in war?

veteran means survived a war, not died in war.

A soldier who returns from war?

A war veteran or just simply veteran.

Is a nurse that worked in war a veteran?

Military nurse in war,YES...a military veteran. Civilian nurse in war, YES...a VETERAN of her occupation but not a MILITARY Veteran. Another words, the word "Veteran" is not strictly a military term. A person can be a veteran doctor, veteran lawyer, veteran school teacher, etc. Veteran means someone that has been doing that job/occupation for a long time.

What is an American veteran?

A American veteran that has seved in a war for aMerica