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Q: Are you free to choose to do good and evil?
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Was Adam and Eve the cause of evil?

Not necessarily are they the cause of evil. God has given everyone free choice. People can choose to be good or evil.

What has free will got to do with evil?

The idea is that you are free to choose between doing evil, or not.

The prophet Zoraster believed that humans had to choose between what?

humans can choose between good and evil. and are free the follow which ever path they choose.

What are the devils limitations?

The devil has no limitations if you do not give him any. The only free will god gave man was the will between good and evil. We will our mind and our emotions to be what we want to be. If we choose to serve god we know that all that god created was good. The devil choose to do evil over good.

In aqw when do you choose if your good or evil?

Go to Mobius. Then talk to Renn for good, or Zio for evil.

Can a person be born good or evil or does a person learn to be good or evil?

Its an argument as old as time....and religion....because many believe that we are all born pure of heart, hence: good. The direction and/or path we CHOOSE to take is one of free will.

What choice were Adam and Eve given in the Garden of Eden?

They were given the free will to choose whether or not they would eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Will kuo turn evil in infamous 2?

on the last mission if you choose to be good she will become evil

Aqworlds how do you change from evil to good for free?


Does absolute good and evil exist?

Absolute good and evil exists. Evil is generated by the devil, but the good is already there. These are the two ways we can choose to live our lives through. If we choose to live a good life, its good and beneficial for our own selves. But if we choose the bad side , its only going to affect us ourselves, and not God. But we have to answer God on the day of judgment ,and repay, for all our evil deeds. But we shall be rewarded heavily by The Great God if it is the right path we adopt. No good and evil are just the ends of a sliding scale , one mans good maybe another mans evil . Good and evil are just two different perspectives .

What were Zoroasters ideas about good and evil?

Zoroaster believed in the duality of good and evil, represented by the concepts of Ahura Mazda (god of light and goodness) and Angra Mainyu (god of darkness and evil). He taught that individuals had the free will to choose between these forces through their thoughts, words, and actions. Zoroaster also believed in the eventual triumph of good over evil in a final judgment day.

What is a good video game where you can choose between good and evil?

yes, transformers 1 & 2